This is a simple wrapper for git status
written in bash.
I am constantly working with a large number of git repositories, and I find it to be very tedious to have to look at each of them individually to keep them up to date.
You can
as many repositories as you want. The paths to them are simply stored in and retreived from a file. -
then use
to get the status for each repository (See example [1]). (Fetche remote + status) -
get a
of the registered repositories. -
a repository from the list (or simply edit the file storing them). -
to the repository in a new terminal (set up to work with urxvt).
got (-r | register) [-p <PATH>] registers repo
got (-s | status) [-c] [-q] [--quiet] status for registered repos [--control]
got (-l | list) list registered repos
got remove [<NUMBER>] remove registration
got go [<NUMBER>] open repo in new terminal
[0] register
omni@base:~$ got -r --path=/home/omni/repos/got
Found /home/omni/repos/got/.git
Adding to tracked repos...
[1] status
omni@base:~$ got -s
[ /home/omni ] (0)
( dotfiles ):
Fetching origin
On branch master
Your branch is up to date with 'origin/master'.
nothing to commit, working tree clean
[ /home/omni/repos/got ] (1)
( got ):
Fetching origin
On branch master
Your branch is up to date with 'origin/master'.
Changes to be committed:
(use "git reset HEAD <file>..." to unstage)
new file: test_file
[1] /home/omni/repos/got:
new file: test_file
[2] quiet status
omni@base:~$ got -s -q
[1] /home/omni/repos/got:
new file: test_file
this might not fit your needs, but feel free to expand on it.