This Craft CMS plugin allows for performing graphQL search queries that match on fields on nested entries-as-a-field.
Simply put, an section that has been modeled in Craft that has a field of Field Type "Entries". This "Entries" field may be directly on another entry type or on a Matrix block on another entry.
Off the shelf, the "search" argument on the "entries" query will not match on field on the nested entry and return the parent entry.
entries(search: "some search terms") {
With the above query, if there is a match on a field in the nested entry then only that nested entry will be returned.
What if you want to return the whole monolithic entry? This plugin allows you to do this.
This plugin introduces a new type of query called "nestedEntries" with a new argument called "searchRelated":
nestedEntries(searchRelated: [{search: "some search terms"}]) {
The "searchRelated" argument can take multiple filter criteria:
nestedEntries(searchRelated: [{search: "some term"}, {search: "another term"}]) {
Of course "LIKE" searches are also supported:
nestedEntries(searchRelated: [{search: "*ship*"}]) {
Pull requests welcome! If you find a bug open up an issue. If you have an idea, but don't know how to implement it then open up a discussion and describe what you trying to accomplish and, if possible, guidance will be provided.