YSports is a python library for reading fantasy sports data from the Yahoo Sports API.
Version 0.1 allows the user to do three-legged authentication in order to query Yahoo Sports. Arbitrary queries can be made either via YQL or the REST API.
The YLeague class has been set up as the first instance of a class representing league data at a higher level of abstraction.
- unit tests
- better error handling
- dynamically insert query parameters
- secure token storage
flesh out YLeague- more classes for representing different data sets (e.g. Player, Roster, etc.)
Bug fixes, features, patches, code improvements, etc. are always welcome.
Download from github.
- httplib2
>>> pip install httplib2
- zbowling's fork of python oauth2 (See discussion on StackOverflow for why this fork.)
Create an authorization csv file: ./ysports/cache/tokensecrets.csv
Enter your consumer key and consumer secret in the authorization csv file:
Note: determine your own method for securely storing your authorization tokens. The method used in this library is not secure.
Create an Auth object, then create a League object:
>>> import ysports
>>> Y = ysports.YAuth()
Enter Yahoo Authorization code: xxxxxx
>>> L = ysports.YLeague(Y, "<your_league_key>")
>>> L.name
# Your League Name
>>> q1 = 'http://fantasysports.yahooapis.com/fantasy/v2/player/223.p.5479'
>>> response, content = Y.request(q1)
>>> print content
# [... fantasy info for Drew Brees, JSON format ...]
>>> q2 = 'select * from fantasysports.leagues.scoreboard where league_key="<your_league_key>"'
>>> response, content = Y.request_yql(q2)
>>> print content
# [... your league's info, JSON format ...]