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Music Lessons

By Lisa Primeaux-Redmond

Music Lessons is a digital instrument and teaching tool. This EdTech app was built for use in introduction to music or music theory classes lacking instruments and other necessary resources for students.

Technologies Used

  • HTML
  • CSS
    • CSS Grid Layout
    • Styled Components
  • Javascript
    • Regex
    • React
    • VexFlow library
    • Soundfont Player
  • Ruby
    • Rails
    • Active Model Serializer
  • PostgreSQL


Use of the website begins with a teacher login or signup action. Once logged in, teachers are taken to a dashboard where they have the option of music demonstration or classroom management.

In the music demonstration section, teachers can see a digital piano with piano keys labeled and mapped to computer keyboard keys. To begin, the teacher clicks in the input box, which activates the audio, and then plays music using keyboard presses. With each key press a corresponding sound is played and a note is rendered live on sheet music on the screen. Playing an entire song is documented in the sheet music and played aloud for the user to hear. With the press of a button, the music input box can be cleared, which will also clear the sheet music, for new songs. The sheet music and piano sound will only function for a full C4 octave, with keyboard keys C, D, E, F, G, A, and B corresponding to piano notes C, D, E, F, G, A, and B and keyboard key O corresponding to the second and final C in the octave. The user can also backspace anywhere in the input box which will remove the deleted note from the sheet music and allows the user to fix errors. By clicking the save button, the user is prompted to give the song a title before saving. Once the song is saved, the teacher can view their songs beneath the instrument in the music section their dashboard.

Under the piano is a button that allows the teacher to swith to a larger piano, mapped to all keys instead of just the C4 octave. This piano allows the teacher to use the computer keyboard to play more complex songs using more notes including accidentals (black keys). This piano is intended for audio use and does not render sheet music. The teacher can click the button below the full piano to return to the learning piano which renders sound and sheet music for the C4 octave.

In the classroom section, the teacher can create student accounts. Teachers also have the option to edit and delete existing students and view student work in the form of saved songs. This allows the teacher to give music assignments to students and to check their sheet music for grading.

Once a teacher creates student accounts, students can also log in to the website. Students are taken to a different dashboard where they are given the option to make music or view their saved songs. In the music section, they have the same functionality as teachers, creating and saving music. Once a song is saved, the student can view their songs in the songs section of their dashboard.

In the songs sections of the student dashboard, students see a list of their saved songs. With a click of a button the sheet music for each song can be displayed.

Known Bugs

  • In the music section, using the backspace key to delete a note at the start of a new measure breaks the page. (This feature otherwise works as long as it is not at the start of a measure.)
  • In the music section, typing a note that is not in the C4 octave at the start of a new measure breaks the page. (This feature otherwise works as long as it is not at the start of a measure.)

Future Iterations

  • Adjust design and layout to better accommodate different screen sizes and serve as a more mobile friendly version
  • Allow user to select custom time signature and different note counts (half notes, whole notes, etc.) using a music toolbar
  • Render sheet music when piano is played using mouse clicks in addition to keypress events
  • Render sheet music when full piano is played in addtion to the learning piano
  • Allow the user to click a play button on saved songs and hear the piano note sounds matching the sheet music
  • Wrap sheet music to multiple lines when it becomes too long to fit into across one screen width
  • Allow the teacher to sort and filter student lists and student song lists
  • Allow user to delete saved songs
  • Create a metronome that can play at the same time as piano note sounds
  • Allow user to select from multiple instrument options such as guitar or horn
  • Render optional guitar tablature instead of sheet music when guitar is the chosen instrument
  • Create drum beat loop that can be overlaid with other instrument sounds and set to a selected time signature
  • Allow user to overlay voice recordings with saved music creations
  • Allow user to connect and use MIDI instruments with all music section functionality