generate UUID with bash scripting V1 and V4 are currently supported. The only requirment on the system is tr, date, /dev/urandom and dd.
I needed a UUID generator for a Raspian based device and I could not rely on uuidgen being present on the system. Uses /dev/urandom so should be cryoto secure.
- Generate a NULL UID (UUID V0)
dood:~/$ ./ 0
With linefeed
dood:~/$ ./ -l 0
- Generate a Version 1 UUID with MAC
./ -l 1 01:02:03:04:05:06:07
Without Colons
./ -l 1 010203040506
- Generate a Version 1 UUID without MAC (Random)
./ -l 1
- Generate a Version 4 UUID
./ -l 4
This is a great site to verify UUID's
V1 UUID generation does not support clock sequence , for now its fixed to random. At one time there was a framework to use a file to increment the clock sequence, but this has been abandon for just a random generated clock sequence.
--0.0.2--6/9/2021 I had done some extensive modifications that were never checked in, I just realized it and here it is.
--0.0.1 Initial Version
MIT License