Maya toolkit used to save/load pose and motion-clip.
- Save pose and motion-clip
- Copy/Paste pose and motion-clip
- Mirror/Flip pose
- Insert, merge and replace animation
- MMB drag for fast pose blending
- LMB drag and drop to organize items
- Custom rig context
- Marking menu for Maya
- Supports Windows, Linux
- Supports Maya 2016, 2017 and 2018
need to first install these two dependencies correctly.
- Download the latest release and unzip the folder where you want to live.
- Copy folder "rollercoaster" into %USERPROFILE%/Documents/maya/scripts
need to value the QT_SIDE_BINDING env-var before running the toolkit if you didn't set it up when maya launched.
import os
os.environ['QT_SIDE_BINDING'] = 'pyside' # Maya2016: pyside, Maya2017+: pyside2
- Startup Editor
from rollercoaster.main import run_editor
- Startup Creator
# startup pose creator
from rollercoaster.main import run_creator
# startup clip creator
from rollercoaster.main import run_creator
- Startup Context Maker
from rollercoaster.main import run_context_maker
- Enable / Disable Hotkey > Hotkey: D + LMB
# enable hotkey
from rollercoaster.main import enable_hotkey
# disable hotkey
from rollercoaster.main import disable_hotkey
"manager": ["astips", "root"],
"official": {
"path": ""
"user": {
"path": ""
"context": ["basic", "kayla", "hero"],
"theme": ["black", "light-black", "grey", "light-grey"],
"const": {
"datafile": "data.xml",
"snapshot": "snapshot",
"compress": "jpg",
"additive": ".ADDITIVE"
"template": {"image": "icon_about"},
"email": "[email protected]"
- "manager" -- super users of this toolkit (means who have permission on Official Tab)
- "context" -- x-rig context names configured by user
- "email" -- your register email used to auth professional version license
Because of the diversity of rigging files, rollercoaster allow users config their own xrig & filter contexts.
- XRIG Context Option > rollercoaster/opt/xrig Define rig's name-convention & axis-convention for example : an open source rig file named 'kayla'
from .base import XRigBase
class XRigContext(XRigBase):
CONTEXT_NAME = 'kayla'
LT_CTRL_TAG = ['L_']
MD_CTRL_TAG = ['M_']
RT_CTRL_TAG = ['R_']
IK_CTRL_TAG = ['_ik']
FK_CTRL_TAG = ['_fk']
POLE_CTRL_TAG = ['_pole_']
- FILTER Context Option > rollercoaster/opt/filter **Define maya objects selection filter.** for example : an open source rig file named 'kayla', if you only want to deal with nurbscurves, then you can define the filter module like this.
from .base import FilterBase
class FilterContext(FilterBase):
CONTEXT_NAME = 'kayla'
def build(self):
self.append(267) # OpenMaya.MFn().kNurbsCurve
- Alt + Q
Hide/Show Left Widget
- Alt + W
Hide/Show Right Widget
- Alt + E
Hide/Show Middle-Up Widget
- Alt + R
Hide/Show Middle Option Widget
- Alt + (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6)
Auto Fit Size of Pose/Clip Items
- Ctrl + Tab
Switch Official/User Tab
- Ctrl + C
Copy Tree Item
- Ctrl + X
Cut Tree Item
- Ctrl + V
Paste Tree Item
- Ctrl + Z
Undo Apply Pose
- Ctrl + MMouse(Click/Wheel)
Interactive Apply Pose
- `
Hide/Show Pose&Clip Label
- Space
Switch Pose/Clip Snapshots
- Delete
Delete Pose/Clip Item
- Esc
Mini/Max Main Gui
- Login Name: Your workstation's login name should be in english with no space !
- Undo: Import Motion-Clip can't undo for now !
- Animation Layer: Import/Export Motion-Clip only support default animation layer for now !
- Community version has full features but quantitative restrictions, such as can only create 2 Shows.
Please send an email with the error message and a detailed step by step process of how you got the error. Comments, suggestions and bug reports are welcome.