Puzzle game with a time traveling alchemist who travels back in time to solve puzzles.
- Push buttons & switch levers to open doors (walk using arrows or WASD-keys)
- Need to push many buttons at once? Jump back in time to the start (press left control button).
- Work together with your (ghostlike) future self(s)
- Rewind in time (press shift button) to undo (not longer than last time travel)
Made at the LiU Fall Game Jam 2018 during 48 hours, the 16:th-18:th november 2018, at Creactive, Mjärdevi Science Park, Linköping, Sweden. This game is based on the Game Jam theme "metal time-traveling".
Prototype game test video: https://photos.app.goo.gl/zRfQehJgAVcN8qBw7
Compiled versions coming "soon", see future releases.
- Code: Benjamin Sundvall, Jonatan "Roger" Wästlund and Alvar "Flärpen" Furuhjelm
- Music & Art: Jonathan Sundvall
- Level Design: Jonatan "Roger" Wästlund, Erik Sundvall
- Prototype play testing: Erik Martinsson, Samuel Sundvall
Made using: Unity + pixilart.com + FL-studio (music)
Open Source License: GNU AGPL version 3
Metal killers
- 1 vs 1 fight including time travel and balls of fire
- https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/263041018/
- Game designed in 3 hours by Caslav "Cassen" Davidovic
Mindstorm experiments
- Mini-game-tests made by Samuel SUndvall using LEGO Mindstorms components and stuff as game controllers
- (No links in Scratch 3.0 beta yet)