- daily leetcode problem pratice
方法 +(functionName_approach_number)为该问题的优化解或最优解
Generally speaking, the first solution of the method is the easiest one to think of
Method plus (functionName_approach_number) is a better optimal or the best optimal solution for the problem
project menu :
|-- src
| |-- main
| | |-- java
| | | |-- com
| | | |-- lonuslan
| | | |-- dailyleetcode
| | | |-- chapter1
| | | | |-- AddTwoNumbers.java
| | | | |-- LongestSubstringWithoutRepeatingCharacters.java
| | | | |-- MedianOfTwoSortedArrays.java
| | | | |-- TwoSum.java
| | | |-- chapter2
| | | | |-- ContainerWithMostWater.java
| | | | |-- IntegerToRoman.java
| | | | |-- LongestPalindromicSubstring.java
| | | | |-- PalindromeNumber.java
| | | | |-- RegularExpressionMatching.java
| | | | |-- ReverseInteger.java
| | | | |-- StringToIntegerAtoi.java
| | | | |-- ZigzagConversion.java
| | | | |-- chapter2easy
| | | | | |-- LongestCommonPrefix.java
| | | | | |-- RomanToInteger.java
| | | | | |-- ValidParentheses.java
| | | | |-- chapter2hard
| | | | |-- chapter2medium
| | | | |-- LetterCombinationsOfAPhoneNumber.java
| | | |-- chapter3
| | | | |-- class1.java
| | | | |-- chapter3easy
| | | | | |-- ImplementStrstr.java
| | | | |-- chapter3hard
| | | | |-- chapter3medium
| | | | |-- DivideTwoIntegers.java
| | | |-- entity
| | | | |-- ListNode.java
| | | | |-- Result.java
| | | |-- template
| | | | |-- TemplateProblemDescription.java
| | | |-- utils
| | |-- resources
| | |-- properties.yml
| |-- test
| |-- java
| |-- com
| |-- lonuslan
| |-- dailyleetcode
| |-- chapter1
| | |-- AddTNTest.java
| | |-- LongestSubWithoutRepCharTest.java
| | |-- MedianOfTwoSortedArraysTest.java
| | |-- TwoSumTest.java
| |-- chapter2
| | |-- ContainerWithMostWaterTest.java
| | |-- IntegerToRomanTest.java
| | |-- LongestPalindromicSunstringTest.java
| | |-- PalindromeNumberTest.java
| | |-- RegularExpressionMatchingTest.java
| | |-- ReverseIntegerTest.java
| | |-- StringToIntegerAtoiTest.java
| | |-- ZigzagConversionTest.java
| | |-- chapter2easy
| | | |-- LongestCommonPrefixTest.java
| | | |-- RomanToIntegerTest.java
| | | |-- ValidParenthesesTest.java
| | |-- chapter2medium
| | |-- LetterCombinationsOfAPhoneNumberTest.java
| |-- chapter3
| |-- chapter3easy
| | |-- ImplementStrstrTest.java
| |-- chapter3medium
| |-- DivideTwoIntegersTest.java
may the god bless u
Chapter_number : stand for the number of month;
eg : chapter1 stands for the January
I'm going to change my strategy from easy to hard
date: 2020-2-5 14 : 32
So I'm going to change my directory structure.
The package easy
stands for the easy problems.
and so on;