A Facebook Messenger AI Chatbot using Vietnamese
You can check out the details of how to run the chatbot via Facebook Messenger in this GitHub repository
This repository is an updated version of that one and is used for Vietnamese. In here there still are the simple Logistic Regression and Naive Bayes models. Sorry my code files look like a mess, I didn't know how to organize files back then, and am too lazy now :|
I also fine-tune the PhoBERT model on the dataset about DUT FAST Faculty Students. (Pho is Phở, for those who do not know :D)
Here is a link to my personal Facebook Page Chatbot for you to check out, use the Frequently Asked Question given in the chat if you are new to get the hang of what information the chatbot can provide.
--> Update 25/6/2022: As I no longer test the bot, Facebook has revoked the page_messaging permit for this page, so now you cannot test it yourself anymore, sorry! You can still follow this repo to build your own bot though.
Here is a link to my paper for this project, not very technical or professional (you can comment on the part you find confusing or needed improvement), but I hope it helps.