This image combines
- Docker
- Docker Compose and
- Landoops Test tool coyote (
in one image to allow automated integration testing in CI with solutions like DIND (Docker in Docker)
The entrypoint of this image is the coyote test tool which needs the test description as a coyote.yml file. Usually inside this yml you use docker-compose accompained by a docker-compose.yml which sets up your services which should be tested.
So create a coyote.yml
and a docker-compose.yml
which constitute your tests and their environment and add
them to the volume path /integrationtests:
FROM longliveenduro/coyote:master
COPY ./coyote.yml /integrationtests/
COPY ./docker-compose.yml /integrationtests/
Build a docker image from the above Dockerfile:
docker build -t <org>/<int-test-projectname>:<version> .
To run the test e.g. locally you can do:
docker run -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock <org>/<int-test-projectname>:<version>
You can build and run the above integration test image in your CI by using DIND or by handing over the docker socket like above.