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Recipe Extend Export to PDF

Leonardo Laureti edited this page May 13, 2019 · 2 revisions

Extend: export to PDF

1. Write the extension function

To add new functions in appe or extend the existing ones create extensions, as an example an extension to extend lists in PDF.

Create a file inside the "ext" extension folder and set up a function with the steps necessary to show the new feature in the views.

The function must be run to make available the new feature in the application.

export_to_pdf = function() {
  var _is_view = ! (window.appe__control === undefined);

  if (_is_view) {
    var dropdown = document.querySelector('#section-actions-top .dropdown-menu');

    var item = document.createElement('li');
    var link = document.createElement('a');

    link.setAttribute('href', 'javascript:');
    link.setAttribute('onclick', 'control.action(this, \'export\', \'pdf\'); return false;');
    link.innerHTML = 'Export PDF';



2. Modify the configuration

Once the function has been created, edit the file "config.js", add the references to the file and the function just created to the "aux" object, the file will be loaded asynchronously when pages loading.

appe__config = {

  "aux": [
      "file": "demo.min.js",
      "fn": "appe__demo"

      "file": "export-pdf.js",  <==
      "fn": "export_to_pdf"  <==




3. Add the feature

It is time to code, in this case you can use a pre-existing function as model "app.view.sub.prototype.csv" that is closest to the needs.

To achieve your goal you can use JavaScript libraries or write, create functions, etc. .

Create a "export_to_pdf_view_sub_pdf" function to reference then within the main "export_to_pdf".

export_to_pdf_view_sub_pdf = function(element, table) {
  if (! jsPDF) {
    return console.warn('aux: export_to_pdf', '\t', 'jsPDF');

  if (! element || ! table) {
    return console.error('aux: export_to_pdf', '\t', [element, table]);

  var source;
  var table_csv = app.view.convertTableCSV(table);

  var doc = new jsPDF();

  var doc_head = table_csv[0];
  var doc_body = table_csv.slice(1);

  doc.autoTable({ head: [doc_head], body: doc_body });

  var file;

  var filename_prefix = 'pdf_export';
  var filename_separator = '_';
  var filename_date_format = 'Y-m-d_H-M-S';

  var filename = filename_prefix;
  var filename_date = app.utils.dateFormat(true, filename_date_format);

  filename += filename_separator + filename_date;

  file = filename + '.pdf';;


4. Finalize

To complete and show the new feature you need to satisfy all dependencies, this example requires the library jsPDF and the plugin jspdf-autotable.

A function "app.view.sub.prototype.pdf" must be declared as an alias of the one just created "export_to_pdf_view_sub_pdf", which extends the prototype function "app.view.sub.prototype".

export_to_pdf = function() {
  var _is_view = ! (window.appe__control === undefined);

  app.view.sub.prototype.pdf = export_to_pdf_view_sub_pdf;  <==  // alias

  if (_is_view) {
    var dropdown = document.querySelector('#section-actions-top .dropdown-menu');

    var item = document.createElement('li');

    var link = document.createElement('a');
    link.setAttribute('href', 'javascript:');
    link.setAttribute('onclick', 'control.action(this, \'export\', \'pdf\'); return false;');
    link.innerHTML = 'Export PDF';


    // load required libs

    var head = document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0];
    var script;

    script = document.createElement('script');
    script.setAttribute('src', '../../ext/lib/jspdf/jspdf.min.js');


    var _defer = setTimeout(function() {
      script = document.createElement('script');
      script.setAttribute('src', '../../ext/lib/jspdf-autotable/jspdf.plugin.autotable.min.js');


    }, 1000);


The files in this example are contained in the folder "docs/recipes/extend".

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