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Recipe Customize Demo Cars to Dinos

Leonardo Laureti edited this page Jul 23, 2019 · 2 revisions

Customize: rent cars to dinosaurs

1. Modify the configuration

This is an example of customization starting from the sample event _"events.custom" in the demo file "sample.html".

First you need to edit the file "config.js", add a new event and a new route, then create the page to serve with the new view.

appe__config = {

  "events": {
    "selection": "selection",
    "update": "update",
    "open": "open",
    "close": "close",
    "add": "add",
    "edit": "edit",
    "delete": "delete",
    "list": "list",

      "rent": "rent"  /* <== */


  "sample": {
    "add": "sample-edit",
    "edit": "sample-edit",
    "delete": "sample",

      "rent": "sample-rent"  /* <== */




2. Add the custom event to "index.html"

To create an event with a route to be served, it must be declared in the index file "index.html".

Therefore add an alias "rent" to the function "app.main.handle.prototype.prepare", that is a generic method performing all necessary actions to set action, route and update data.

main.handle = function(handler, event, ctl) {
  if (! handler || ! event || ! ctl) {
    return app.error('main.handle', arguments);

  var _events = app.utils.extendObject({}, handler);

  _events.selection = function() {
    try {
      var _data = JSON.parse(;

      app.memory.set('archive_id', parseInt(;
    } catch {

    return handler.selection();
  } = _events.prepare; // alias to "prepare" aka "app.main.handle.prototype.prepare"



3. Create the view "sample-rent.html"

Once the configuration has been modified, create the file with the view, it can be used as model "sample-edit.html" which is closer to the needs.

I used a "rent" object grafted into the parent item "items", which pre-existed in the scheme, for convenience.

The structure of the view is almost identical to the reference model "edit", also in this case the "rent" event is declared as an alias of the function "app.view.action.prototype.prepare".

<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="utf-8">
<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge">
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1, shrink-to-fit=no">
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="../assets/css/lib/bootstrap/bootstrap.min.css">
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="../assets/css/app.min.css">

<body class="view view_edit">
<h1 id="view-title" class="page-header">Items</h1>
<h2 id="section-title" class="sub-header"></h2>

<div id="section-actions-top" class="section-actions section-actions-top">
    <a class="btn btn-sm btn-gray-lighter" href="../index.html?sample" target="_parent">&laquo; Return Back</a>

<form id="form-data" class="form form-data" autocomplete="off" validate>
<div class="row">
<div class="form-group col-6 col-lg-4">
  <label for="sample_rent_dino">Dinosaur</label>
  <select id="sample_rent_dino" name="rent[dino]" class="form-control" required></select>


<div class="row">
<div class="form-group col-12 col-lg-3">
  <label for="sample_rent_period">Period</label>
  <select id="sample_rent_period" name="rent[period]" class="form-control">
    <option value="1">1 month</option>
    <option value="2">2 months</option>
    <option value="3">3 months</option>
    <option value="4">4 months</option>

<div class="clearfix visible-lg-block"></div>

<div class="form-group col-12 col-lg-2">
  <label for="sample_rent_amount">Amount</label>
  <div class="input-group">
    <input type="text" id="sample_rent_amount" name="rent[amount]" class="form-control" value="0.00" data-transform="numeric" required>
    <div class="input-group-addon">
      <span class="input-group-text">coin &times; month</span>

<fieldset class="form-submit">
  <input type="hidden" id="index" name="id" value="{id}" data-transform="integer">
  <input type="submit" id="real-submit" class="hide" hidden>
  <button type="button" id="submit" class="btn btn-primary btn-lg" onclick="control.action(this, 'edit')">Rent Vehicle</button>

<script type="text/javascript" src="../assets/js/app.min.js"></script>

<script type="text/javascript" src="../config.js"></script>

<script type="text/javascript">
var control = appe__control = {};

control.handle = function(data) {
  var data_sample = data['sample'];
  var data_items = data['items'];

  var form = document.getElementById('form-data');

  if (! data_sample || ! data_items) {
    return app.error('control.handle', 'data*');

  var _control = app.view.control([ 'rent' ], data_sample, form);


  var event = _control.getEvent();
  var id = _control.getID();

  var _events = {}; = function() {
    _control.setTitle('Rent Vehicle');



  var dino_selection = [ { "0": "&ndash; select &ndash;" } ];, function(id) {
    var obj = {};
    obj[id] = data_items[id].name;

  var dino_selected = data_sample[id].rent ? data_sample[id].rent[dino] : 0;

  var select_dino = document.getElementById('sample_rent_dino');
  select_dino.innerHTML = app.layout.renderSelectOptions('sample_rent_dino', dino_selection, dino_selected);
  select_dino.value = dino_selected;



control.fillForm = function(data_field) {
  if (! data_field) {
    return app.error('control.fillForm', arguments);
  } = || { dino: 0, period: 1, amount: '0.00' };  // to prevent is not defined error, fill with empty data

  document.querySelector('#sample_rent_dino > option[value="' + + '"]').setAttribute('selected', '');

control.action = function(element, event, extra) {
  var form = document.getElementById('form-data');

  if (! element || typeof event !== 'string') {
    return app.error('control.action', arguments);

  var _action = app.view.action([ 'rent' ], event, element, form);

  _action.begin(); = _action.prepare;  // alias to "prepare" aka "app.view.action.prototype.prepare"

  if (_action.validateForm()) {

  var id = _action.getID();

  var _data_updated = {};

  var _events = {};

  _events._prepare = function() {
    var _ext_data = app.utils.extendObject(true, _data_updated['sample'][id], app.view.getFormData(form.elements));

    _data_updated['sample'][id] = _ext_data;
  } = function() {
    var data_sample ='sample');

    if (! data_sample) {
      return app.error('control.action().rent', 'data*');

    _data_updated['sample'] = data_sample;


    return, true);

  var ctl = _events[event](extra);





4. Modify the view "sample.html"

Finally all changes introduced in the new view "sample-rent.html" will be integrated into the existing view "sample.html".

Rename the "example" event with "rent", in the links and in all the control functions.

  <table id="table-data" class="table table-data">
        <th class="hidden-print">Actions</th>
        <th class="text-nowrap">Vehicle Name</th>
        <th class="text-nowrap">Vehicle Type</th>
        <th class="text-nowrap">Manufactured</th>
        <th class="text-nowrap">Value Price</th>

        <th>Rent Dino</th>
        <th>Rent Period</th>
        <th>Rent Amount</th>

        <th class="hidden-print">Rent</th>
      <tr class="tpl">
        <td class="hidden-print">
          <a class="action btn btn-secondary" href="../index.html?sample&edit={id}" onclick="control.action(this, 'edit'); return false;" target="_parent">Edit</a>
          <a class="action btn btn-danger" href="../index.html?sample&delete={id}" onclick="control.action(this, 'delete'); return false;" target="_parent">Delete</a>
        <td class="text-nowrap">{date}</td>
        <td class="text-nowrap">{amount}</td>


        <td class="hidden-print">

          <a class="action btn btn-link btn-sm" href="../index.html?sample&rent={id}" onclick="control.action(this, 'rent'); return false;" target="_parent">RENT</a>

control.action = function(element, event, extra) {
  var data =;

  var data_sample = data['sample'];

  var table = document.getElementById('table-data');

  if (! data_sample) {
    return app.error('control.action', arguments);

  if (! element || typeof event !== 'string') {
    return app.error('control.action', arguments);

  var _action = app.view.action([ 'edit', 'delete', 'export', 'print', /* ==> */ 'rent' /* <== */ ], event, element, data_sample);


  var id = _action.getID();

  var _data_updated = {};

  var _events = {};

The "items" data source must also be added in order to return the name of the dinosaur, because only the ID will be stored in the "rent" object.

control.handle = function(data) {
  var data_sample = data['sample'];
  var data_items = data['items'];  /* <== */

  var table = document.getElementById('table-data');

  if (! data_sample || ! data_items) {  /* <== */
    return app.error('control.handle', 'data*');

  var _control = app.view.control(null, data_sample);


  _control.fillTable(table, null, null, data_items);  /* <== */  // passing down "data_items" to extra argument


All new datas must be integrated in order to render them in the table recognized by the "table-data" identifier.

control.renderRow = function(tpl_row, id_row, data_row, extra) {
  if (! tpl_row || ! data_row) {
    return app.error('control.renderRow', arguments);

  var items_extra = extra[0];  /* <== */

  var row = tpl_row.cloneNode(true);

  row.setAttribute('data-index', id_row); = || { dino: 0, period: 1, amount: 0 };  /* <== */  // to prevent is not defined error, fill with empty data

  row.innerHTML = row.innerHTML
    .replace('{title}', data_row.title)
    .replace('{type}', data_row.type)
    .replace('{date}', app.utils.dateFormat(, 'd/m/Y'))
    .replace('{amount}', app.utils.numberFormat(data_row.amount, 2, ',', '.') + ' coin')
    .replace('{status}', data_row.status)

    .replace('{rent_dino}', ? items_extra[].name : '&ndash;')  /* <== */
    .replace('{rent_period}', + ' month')  /* <== */
    .replace('{rent_amount}', app.utils.numberFormat(, 2, ',', '.') + ' coin &times; month');  /* <== */

  return row;

Then the action _"event.example" must be replaced to change route when the user clicks the RENT button.

  // Custom action example = function() { = _action.prepare;  // alias to "prepare" aka "app.view.action.prototype.prepare"



The files in this example are contained in the folder "docs/recipes/customize".

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