External libraries - express, body-parser, mongoose, jsonwebtoken, bcryptjs
Database - mLab
Endpoints :
Most of the endpoints return JSON object with success
or error
POST https://lokeshrmitra-devhosts.herokuapp.com/user/register
x-www-form-urlencoded' parameters : email, password, name, age, address
POST https://lokeshrmitra-devhosts.herokuapp.com/user/login
Form data passed: email, password This will return a JSON object as:
{ "success": "Logged in successfully", "token": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJlbWFpbCI6Imxva2VzaHJtaXRyYUBnbWFpbC5jb20iLCJpYXQiOjE1Mjc3NjQ5MjYsImV4cCI6MTUyNzc2ODUyNn0.ItzS6uSOfoyUPIOmmXFrYnkrxy9zPSisba8FyjKAsWs" }
This JWT("token") has to be sent with every request, that is specific to the user ( i.e. in the /user/ ), in the
header. The JWT expiration time has been set to 2hr -
PUT https://lokeshrmitra-devhosts.herokuapp.com/user/
Used for updating user info with the parameters : name, age, address. Email and password can't be updated
GET https://lokeshrmitra-devhosts.herokuapp.com/user/
Returns basic user information.
DELETE https://lokeshrmitra-devhosts.herokuapp.com/user/
Deletes the user .
These endpoints don't need the JWT
GET https://lokeshrmitra-devhosts.herokuapp.com/products/
Returns a JSON array of objects with the products/services and their information. (note: the object will contain the unique product id used for the route below)
GET https://lokeshrmitra-devhosts.herokuapp.com/products/:id
Returns a specific product/service identified by the 'id' in the URL.
User's interaction with products/services
These endpoints NEED the JWT
GET https://lokeshrmitra-devhosts.herokuapp.com/user/cart
Will return a JSON object with all items in the cart along with cart_total
POST https://lokeshrmitra-devhosts.herokuapp.com/user/cart/:id
This will add the product/service with the prodid
equal to 'id'specified in the URL. If a product/service is already in user's cart or the user has already subscribed to that product/service, it won't be added to the cart.
DELETE https://lokeshrmitra-devhosts.herokuapp.com/user/cart
Will empty the entire cart with purchasing them.
DELETE https://lokeshrmitra-devhosts.herokuapp.com/user/cart/:id
Will remove the specific product from the cart as given by the 'id'. 'id' should be present in the cart.
GET https://lokeshrmitra-devhosts.herokuapp.com/user/order
Returns all the products purchased by the user. Also returns a field mothly_total
for all the Active
POST https://lokeshrmitra-devhosts.herokuapp.com/user/order
Transfer all the products from the cart to the to purchased products (order_history
field in the user document in MongoDB). The cart will be emptied, and purchased products' status will be Active
. The object in order-history
will also contain a field iat
(issued_at) that will contain the timestamp of when the purchase has been made
POST https://lokeshrmitra-devhosts.herokuapp.com/user/order/:id
Transfer only a single item from cart to purchased products.
PUT https://lokeshrmitra-devhosts.herokuapp.com/user/order/:id
Set the state of any purchased product as Inactive
. The inactivation_date
will be added, this will contain the timestamp of the inactivation time
I had first thought of having different Schemas for every different type of product, and also include functions regarding manipulating the products' attribute. But then, this type of management comes under some automated tracking service (or an admin), so I skipped it. I have just put all the products as documents(with their specific attributes) in a collection
An example document:
"_id": "5b0daee20c25c335a0f50797",
"name": "Panther",
"type": "server",
"prodid": "13",
"memory": "4 GB",
"cpu": 2,
"storage": "100 GB",
"transefer": "10 TB",
"price": 25
I had intially used the prodid
s and type
attributes to differentiate products. But now i don't use them. They are free to be used in the front end in any correct way
Next, to track cart
and order_history
I've just added object Arrays in the user document
An example document of user:
"_id": {
"$oid": "5b0fd71755cd09001404862f"
"cart": [
"prodid": "31",
"name": "Load Balancer",
"price": 25,
"iat": 1527769536136,
"status": "Active"
"prodid": "11",
"name": "Lynx",
"price": 15,
"iat": 1527769536136,
"status": "Active"
"order_history": [
"prodid": "13",
"name": "Panther",
"price": 25,
"iat": 1527769536136,
"status": "Inactive",
"inactivation_date": 1527769585615
"prodid": "51",
"name": "Telescope Andromeda",
"price": 25,
"iat": 1527769536136,
"status": "Active"
"name": "Lokesh R Mitra",
"email": "[email protected]",
"password": "$2a$10$pl1ApxX1CIQXdNsdsKzv5.no3mOclIJOdhGVW8c6NPw7086z3xnPS",
"age": 21,
"address": "RH 4, GuruganeshNagar, Aurangabad 431003",
"__v": 0
One issue I faced was dealing with authentication. I couldn't find a way to maually expire the JWTs that are issued (I didn't want to use blacklisting). This problem still exists. You can use the JWT to delete your own account. Then after that you should not be able to access any user specific routes, but this does not happen. You can't get any other user's data, but still I don't find this OK/
Thanks for the challenge, it was really helpful.