- Register for new DE Edition - https://developer.salesforce.com/en/signup
- Login to the newly created Developer Org and register a namespace by navigating to Setup → Create → Packages, Click Edit and Register a namespace prefix (it can be anything simple and unique)
- Enable Lightning Components, Setup→ Develop → Lightning Component and check the box Enable Lightning Components and click save
- Install the below Unmanaged Package in your Salesforce Org - https://login.salesforce.com/packaging/installPackage.apexp?p0=04tB000000011BX
- Upload the jqueryui.resource and typeahead.resource to your static resources.
- Change the namespace in all the components installed via package to your org’s namespace. Eg: Navigate to File→ Open Lightning Component → requires.cmp. Change the below to your namespace
<aura:registerEvent name="requiresReady" type="stech2:requiresReady"/>
- Open Developer Console, click on File → New → Apex class, name the apex class “AutoCompleteController” and copy paste the below code
public class AutocompleteController {
public static List<sObject> getSuggestions(String sObjectType, String term, String fieldsToGet, Integer limitSize) {
// could add in logic to remove possible duplicate fields
String fields = fieldsToGet.length() > 0 ? ',' + fieldsToGet : '';
String soql =
' SELECT Name, Id ' + String.escapeSingleQuotes(fields) +
' FROM ' + String.escapeSingleQuotes(sObjectType) +
' WHERE Name Like \'' + String.escapeSingleQuotes(term) + '%\'' +
' LIMIT ' + limitSize;
return Database.query(soql);
- Open Developer Console, click on File → New → Lightning Event and name the event “autoCompleteEvt”, copy the below code
<aura:event type="COMPONENT">
<aura:attribute name="selectedOption" type="Object"/>
- Open Developer Console, click on File → New → Lightning Component and name the component “autoComplete” and provide any description and copy the below code. (change the namespace accordingly)
<aura:component controller="stech2.AutocompleteController">
<aura:attribute name="sObjectType" required="true" type="String" description="Name of the sObject that will be filtered" />
<aura:attribute name="fields" type="String[]" default="" description="List of fields to get with each record"/>
<aura:attribute name="limit" type="Integer" default="10" description="Limits the number returned to this value" />
<aura:attribute name="inputLabel" type="String" default="Find" description="Label for text input"/>
<aura:attribute name="ready" type="Boolean" default="false" description="Used to check if resources have been loaded"/>
<aura:registerEvent name="autocompleteEvent" type="stech2:autocompleteEvt"/>
scripts="{jquery:'jquery/jquery.js',jqueryui:'jqueryui/jquery-ui.min.js', typeahead: 'typeahead/bootstrap.min.js'}"
<label>Enter search term for {!v.sObjectType} </label>
<input class="autocomplete" type="text"/>
- Click on the Controller option on the right and copy/paste the below code
init: function(component, event, helper) {
if (typeof jQuery !== "undefined" && typeof $j === "undefined") {
$j = jQuery.noConflict(true);;
component.set("v.ready", true);
- Click on the Helper on the right and copy / paste the below code
initHandlers: function(component) {
var ready = component.get("v.ready");
if (ready === false) {
var ctx = component.getElement();
$j(".autocomplete", ctx).autocomplete({
minLength: 2,
delay: 500,
source: function(request, response) {
var action = component.get("c.getSuggestions");
var fieldsToGet = component.get("v.fields");
"sObjectType": component.get("v.sObjectType"),
"term": request.term,
"fieldsToGet": fieldsToGet.join(),
"limitSize": component.get("v.limit")
action.setCallback(this, function(a) {
var suggestions = a.getReturnValue();
suggestions.forEach(function(s) {
s["label"] = s.Name,
s["value"] = s.Id
$A.run(function() {
select: function(event, ui) {
var ctx = component.getElement();
$j(".autocomplete", ctx).val(ui.item.label);
var selectionEvent = component.getEvent("autocompleteEvent");
selectedOption: ui.item
- Click on the Rendered on the right and copy / paste the below code
afterRender : function(component, helper) {
- Save the Component
- Create a Lightning App by clicking File → New → Lightning App. Name the app and copy/paste the code below (change the namespace)
<div class="container-fluid">
<div class="jumbotron">
<h1>Auto-Complete Lightning Component</h1>
<p><a class="btn btn-primary btn-lg" href="https://developer.salesforce.com/lightning" role="button">Learn more</a></p>
<div class="row">
<div class="form-group text-center">
<stech2:autocomplete sObjectType="Account" autocompleteEvent="{!c.handleAutocomplete}" fields="Phone,AccountNumber" />
<div class="form-group text-center">
<stech2:autocomplete sObjectType="Contact" autocompleteEvent="{!c.handleAutocomplete}" fields="Email,Phone"/>
<div id="result"></div>
- Add the below code to the Controller of the Lightning App
handleAutocomplete : function(component, event, helper) {
var so = event.getParam("selectedOption");
document.getElementById("result").innerHTML = 'Selected:' + so.Name;
Finally open the newly created Application.
Special Thanks to Peter Knolle for his awesome blog on the AutoComplete Lightning Component