Graphical Python3 program (Tkinter) to control SVS SB-1000PRO Subwoofer parameters using bluetooth interface. Parameters "Volume", "Phase", Low Pass Filter","Room Gain Compensation", "Polarity", "Parametric EQ" and "Presets" are available.
v3: Totally rewritten. Added Polarity, Parametric EQ and Presets compatibility. Added command-line options
pySVS v3.3 Beta.. Read and set SVS SB1000P Subwoofer values. By Logon84
Run without arguments to launch the GUI
USAGE: <-b device> <-m MAC_Address> <parameter1> <value1> <parameter2> <value2> etc...
-b dev or --btiface=dev: Specify a different BT interface to use (default is hci0).
-m MAC or --mac=MAC: Sets a mac address different to the one set in file.
-h or --help: Show this help.
-v or --version: Show program version.
-e or --encode: Just print built frames based on param values.
-d FRAME or --decode=FRAME: Decode values of a frame.
-i or --info: Show subwoofer info.
-s ftype@param@data or --send ftype@param@data: Send svs_encode frame type, param and data (-s help).
-l X@Y@Z or --lpf=X@Y@Z: Sets Low Pass Filter to X[0(OFF),1(ON)], Y[freq] and Z[slope].
-q V@W@X@Y@Z or --peq=V@W@X@Y@Z: Sets PEQ V[1..3], W[0(OFF),1(ON)], X[freq], Y[boost] and Z[Qfactor].
-r X@Y@Z or --roomgain=X@Y@Z: Sets RoomGain X[0(OFF),1(ON)], Y[freq] and Z[slope].
-o X or --volume=X: Sets volume level to X on subwoofer.
-f X or --phase=X: Sets phase level to X on subwoofer.
-k X or --polarity=X: Sets polarity to 0(+) or 1(-) on subwoofer.
-p X or --preset=X: Load preset X[1..4(FACTORY DEFAULT PRESET)] on subwoofer.
To ask subwoofer for one or more values, set parameter value to "A"sk.
The program requires bleak module installed:
pip3 install bleak
Before running the program, be sure to edit the file and enter the mac address of your SVS Subwoofer.
I only own a SB-1000PRO to test, so the rest of SVS Subwoofers could or couldn't work, I don't know. Tested on both Linux and Windows (version >= fall creators update).
I take no responsibility on any damage or harm done with this program