This example demonstrates how to set up LocalStack for a simple REST API built with the Serverless Framework.
You need to have the following tools installed.
The Serverless Framework provides open source tooling to help you build, compile, and package code for serverless deployment in the cloud. Serverless deployment means that the application makes use of a number of hosted cloud services like AWS Lambda, DynamoDB, etc. instead of long-lived server applications that you manage and operate yourself.
The cloud provider takes care of the operation of these services, usually with horizontal scaling available out of the box. That means, you can concentrate on the business logic of your application instead of having to worry about operation and scaling. Furthermore, services like AWS Lambda offer a very fine-grained payment model where you only pay for the computational time you actually use.
The starting point for this guide is an example Serverless service acting as backend for a simple Todo app.
The service provides simple CRUD functionality exposed via a REST HTTP API. Under the hood the service uses an API Gateway in combination with a couple of Lambda functions that are connected to a DynamoDB table.
Below you find the project structure. It consists of a configuration file called serverless.yml
and a separate directory containing all the todo operations.
├── package.json
├── serverless.yml
└── todos
For each operation, exactly one file exists with exactly one function defined.
For example, the code for the delete-operation defined in todos/
looks like this:
import os
import boto3
dynamodb = boto3.resource('dynamodb')
def delete(event, context):
table = dynamodb.Table(os.environ['DYNAMODB_TABLE'])
# delete the todo from the database
'id': event['pathParameters']['id']
# create a response
response = {
"statusCode": 200
return response
Below you find the serverless.yml
for the service. This file defines the required functions, endpoints, tables, permissions of the service.
service: serverless-python-rest-api-with-dynamodb
frameworkVersion: ">=1.1.0 <=2.50.0"
name: aws
runtime: python3.8
DYNAMODB_TABLE: ${self:service}-${opt:stage, self:provider.stage}
- Effect: Allow
- dynamodb:Query
- ...
Resource: "arn:aws:dynamodb:${opt:region, self:provider.region}:*:table/${self:provider.environment.DYNAMODB_TABLE}"
handler: todos/create.create
- http:
path: todos
method: post
cors: true
Type: 'AWS::DynamoDB::Table'
DeletionPolicy: Retain
TableName: ${self:provider.environment.DYNAMODB_TABLE}
With the Serverless service set up, we can now easily deploy and teardown our service on the AWS cloud via the commands
serverless deploy
and serverless clean
, respectively.
In the next step, we look at how we can integrate this Serverless setup with LocalStack. LocalStack provides a local, fully functional AWS cloud. This means you can deploy your applications on your local machine enabling faster development and testing cycles of your application.
Setting up LocalStack for a Serverless app is fairly straightforward although it does require a few code changes. In particular, it consists of the following two steps.
- Installing and configuring the Serverless-LocalStack plugin.
- Adjusting AWS endpoints in Lambda functions.
To install the plugin, execute the following command.
npm install -D serverless-localstack
Next, we set up the plugin in serverless.yml
. For that simply add the following properties.
- serverless-localstack
- local
This adds the LocalStack plugin to our Serverless setup but only activates the plugin for the stage "local". Next, we'll make minor adjustments to our function code in order to make our application work no matter if it is deployed on AWS or LocalStack.
The functions of our service make use of Boto3, the AWS SDK for Python to interact with AWS services such as DynamoDB.
The code to set up a connection to DynamoDB looks like this:
dynamodb = boto3.resource('dynamodb')
By default, this call attempts to create a connection via the usual AWS endpoints. However, when running our service in LocalStack, we need to make sure we create a connection via the LocalStack endpoint instead.
Usually, all of LocalStack's services are available via a specific port on localhost (e.g. localhost:4566
). However, this endpoint only works when accessing LocalStack from outside its Docker runtime.
Since the Lambda functions execute within the LocalStack Docker container, Lambda functions cannot access other services via the usual localhost endpoint. Instead, LocalStack provides a special environment variable LOCALSTACK_HOSTNAME
which contains the internal endpoint of the LocalStack services from within its runtime environment.
Hence, we configure the Lambda function to use LOCALSTACK_HOSTNAME
to detect whether it's executing in LocalStack and if yes, to adjust the DynamoDB endpoint accordingly:
if 'LOCALSTACK_HOSTNAME' in os.environ:
dynamodb_endpoint = 'http://%s:4566' % os.environ['LOCALSTACK_HOSTNAME']
dynamodb = boto3.resource('dynamodb', endpoint_url=dynamodb_endpoint)
dynamodb = boto3.resource('dynamodb')
Ideally, we want to make LocalStack's Lambda execution environment "LocalStack-agnostic", so that you are not required to adjust endpoints in your function code anymore. You want to help us with that? Drop us a line in Slack!.
Start LocalStack by running
localstack start
Then to deploy the endpoint simply run
serverless deploy --stage local
The expected result should be similar to:
Serverless: Packaging service...
Serverless: Excluding development dependencies...
Serverless: Creating Stack...
Serverless: Checking Stack create progress...
Serverless: Stack create finished...
Serverless: Uploading CloudFormation file to S3...
Serverless: Uploading artifacts...
Serverless: Uploading service file to S3 (38.3 KB)...
Serverless: Validating template...
Serverless: Skipping template validation: Unsupported in Localstack
Serverless: Updating Stack...
Serverless: Checking Stack update progress...
Serverless: Stack update finished...
Service Information
service: serverless-python-rest-api-with-dynamodb
stage: local
region: us-east-1
stack: serverless-python-rest-api-with-dynamodb-local
resources: 35
api keys:
create: serverless-python-rest-api-with-dynamodb-local-create
list: serverless-python-rest-api-with-dynamodb-local-list
get: serverless-python-rest-api-with-dynamodb-local-get
update: serverless-python-rest-api-with-dynamodb-local-update
delete: serverless-python-rest-api-with-dynamodb-local-delete
Note the endpoint http://localhost:4566/restapis/XXXXXXXXXX/local/_user_request_
. We can use this endpoint to interact with our service as demonstrated in the next section.
You can create, retrieve, update, or delete todos with the following commands:
curl -X POST http://localhost:4566/restapis/XXXXXXXXXX/local/_user_request_/todos --data '{ "text": "Integrate LocalStack with Serverless" }'
Example output:
{"id": "75f985a3-da8d-11eb-ac2f-3d8921573ad2", "text": "Integrate LocalStack with Serverless", "checked": false, "createdAt": "1625158666.9241908", "updatedAt": "1625158666.9241908"}%
curl http://localhost:4566/restapis/XXXXXXXXXX/local/_user_request_/todos
Example output:
[{"checked": false, "createdAt": "1625158666.9241908", "id": "75f985a3-da8d-11eb-ac2f-3d8921573ad2", "text": "Integrate LocalStack with Serverless", "updatedAt": "1625158666.9241908"}]%
# Replace the <id> part with a real id from your todos table
curl http://localhost:4566/restapis/XXXXXXXXXX/local/_user_request_/todos/<id>
Example Result:
{"checked": false, "createdAt": "1625158666.9241908", "id": "75f985a3-da8d-11eb-ac2f-3d8921573ad2", "text": "Integrate LocalStack with Serverless", "updatedAt": "1625158666.9241908"}%
# Replace the <id> part with a real id from your todos table
curl -X PUT http://localhost:4566/restapis/XXXXXXXXXX/local/_user_request_/todos/<id> --data '{ "text": "Integrate LocalStack with Serverless", "checked": true }'
Example Result:
{"createdAt": "1625158666.9241908", "checked": true, "id": "75f985a3-da8d-11eb-ac2f-3d8921573ad2", "text": "Integrate LocalStack with Serverless", "updatedAt": 1625158963638}%
# Replace the <id> part with a real id from your todos table
curl -X DELETE http://localhost:4566/restapis/XXXXXXXXXX/local/_user_request_/todos/<id>
No output
To remove the service simply run
serverless remove --stage local
When re-deploying the service to LocalStack, you may run into the following issue.
Serverless Error ----------------------------------------
The serverless deployment bucket "serverless-python-rest-api-with-dynamodb-local-none-b971536a" does not exist. Create it manually if you want to reuse the CloudFormation stack "serverless-python-rest-api-with-dynamodb-local", or delete the stack if it is no longer required.
In this case, simply restart the LocalStack Docker container (ctrl
and localstack start
If you run into any issues, please create an issue or, even better, submit a pull request.