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Diazo theme for printing service

Package structure

  • theme/ - contains the HTML theme and its assets
  • theme_helpers/ - custom python package used in the configuration file in order to override the built-in Paster#proxy service and to wrap the Diazo middleware in order to skip POST requests.
  • diazo.ini - main configuration
  • rules.xml - theming rules
  • docker-compose.yaml - Docker orchestration file
  • Dockerfile - Docker image
  • requirements.xml - Python package requirements

Local Setup

Requirements: Make sure your system has a full installation of Python 3.10 or higher.

Clone this package

git clone [email protected]:lmu/diazo_myprint.git

Create a virtual environment

cd diazo_myprint
python3.10 -m venv venv

Install requirements

./venv/bin/pip install -r requirements.txt

Run the application

./venv/bin/paster serve --reload diazo.ini

The application will run on port 5000 by default. This can be configured in the diazo.ini file.

Docker Setup

Requirements: docker and docker-compose. Newer docker versions come shipped with compose by default so docker-compose does need to be installed separately.

Clone this package

git clone [email protected]:lmu/diazo_myprint.git

Run the stack

docker compose up -d

The application will be available on port 5000 by default, this can be changed by editing the docker-compose.yaml file and updating the ports section (e.g. 8080:5000 to have it run on host port 8080).

The proxy address can be specified either in diazo.ini or via the APP_PROXY_ADDR environment variable in docker-compose.yaml, if both are given, the diazo.ini value takes precedence.

Docker Development

After following the steps in "Docker Setup", uncomment the sections command and volumes in docker-compose.yaml, edit diazo.ini and set debug = false in the [filter:theme] section then run

docker compose up -d

This will mount the current folder in the container, replacing the application and any code/configuration changes will cause a reload.

The Diazo theme will also re-build itself on each request so any changes to rules.xml or other theme files will be instatly visible, at the cost of response time.

Custom domain and SSL

The Docker orchestration includes a frontend service which uses the official nginx docker image to proxy the theming service as a specific domain, with optional SSL support.

By default the service will start with SSL disabled and bind itself to port 80 on the host. Edit the NGINX_HOST environment variable in docker-compose.yaml in order to set the server name (e.g.

In order to enable SSL you need to:

  • add your certificate and key to the ./nginx/certs/ folder
  • uncomment 443 in the docker-compose:
        - 80:80
        - 443:443
  • edit ./nginx/templates/default.conf.template to uncomment the SSL server sections, and comment the first http-only section. Modify ssl_certificate and ssl_certificate_key as appropriate.

Theme logic

The theme is based off the theme, parts of it have been copied as ./theme/assets/ and theme.html.

The header navigation has been replaced with a custom implementation as the original page makes use of a json for generating the navigation, which could not be successfully reproduced.

The myPrint markup makes heavy use of tables for element positioning and styling, so simple CSS based styling and mobile compatibility is not a simple endeavour.

Styling customisations are done in the theme.css file. The theme.js file contains certain customisation elements where more advanced logic was needed than was possible with a strict Diazo-based approach:

  • Adding a class on the HTML <body> element in order to easily identify the current page via CSS: page-{pagename} (e.g. page-login, page-clientprofile).
  • Moving the language selector in the top navigation, while maintaining functionality: the <select> is replaced by an <input type="hidden"> in the page form, which is kept in sync with the select that is now outside the form.
  • Moving the site actions ("Help", "Profile", etc.) in the theme header, while creating a clone of them, that is only visible on mobile. As part of moving the site actions, a fix is also implemented for the "Logout" link, which prevents the redirect outside the theme domain.
  • Loading the "Hinweise", "Kosten" (./theme/templates/${LANG}/hinweise-kosten.html) and "Mensakarte" (./theme/templates/${LANG}/mensa-karte.html) sections. This is done via JS as inserting the content via <replace href= /> rules breaks the encoding. The content could be included directly in the ./theme/theme.html file, but having it in separate files may ease customisation.
  • Loading the footer links (./theme/templates/${LANG}/footer-links.html) in accordance with the selected language.
  • Hiding of inactive error messages on the login page: the "invalid password" and "invalid identifier" messages are invisible but still occupy a lot of vertical space, this hides them when they are not shown.
  • Hiding of the install printer container on mobile, where the button is not rendered, but it's container occupies a lot of space.