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Collision detection benchmarks for the paper "Collision Detection Accelerated: An Optimization Perspective" published at RSS 2022

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Collision Detection Benchmarks [WIP]

This repo contains the benchmarks for the paper "Collision Detection Accelerated: An Optimization Perspective" published at RSS 2022. You can find the paper here and the project page here. There are two main benchmarks: the ellipsoid benchmark (strictly-convex shapes) and the convex mesh benchmark (non-strictly convex shapes), which are intended to compare the GJK algorithm and our method: Nesterov accelerated GJK.

These benchmarks call the HPPFCL C++ library in which both GJK and Nesterov-accelerated GJK are implemented.

For prototyping, we have also reimplemented GJK and Nesterov-accelerated GJK in Python.


To make the install easy, we recommend using conda to isolate the required packages needed to run the benchmarks from your system.

  • Clone this repo: git clone --recursive && cd collision-detection-benchmark
  • Install conda and a new conda environment: conda create -n collision_benchmark python=3.8 && conda activate collision_benchmark
  • Install dependencies: conda install cmake pinocchio pandas tqdm qhull. For pinocchio, add the conda-forge channel conda config --add channels conda-forge.
  • Re-activate the conda env conda activate collision_benchmark for the cmake path to take effect.
  • Install hppfcl:
    • mkdir hpp-fcl/build && cd hpp-fcl/build
    • git submodule update --init
    • make install
  • Go back to the root of this repo (cd ../.. if you are in hpp-fcl/build) and install this python library on the conda env: pip install -e .

This was succesfully installed and tested on Manjaro 5.15.50 and Ubuntu 20.04. The tested compilers were g++ version 9.4.0 and 12.1.0 and clang++ version 13.0.1. The required version for eigen is 3.4.0.

ShapeNet download

Please visit Download ShapeNetCore.v2 and place it in exp/shapenet/data.

To generate a subset of ShapeNet to run the benchmarks, run python exp/shapenet/

Quick benchmarks:

To launch a quick benchmark:

  • Ellipsoids: python exp/continuous_ellipsoids/ [--opts]
  • Meshes: python exp/shapenet/ [--opts].

The param --opts can be:

  • --python: also runs the quick benchmark with the solvers written in Python, off by default
  • --measure_time: measures execution times, off by default
  • --distance_category: overlapping, close-proximity, distant
  • --num_pairs: number of collision pairs
  • --num_poses: number of relative poses btw each collision pair

To compare the performances between Nesterov-accelerated GJK and vanilla GJK, we measure both the performance on boolean collision detection and distance computation.

  • For distance computation, both algorithms run until they have computed the distance which separates the shapes. This is measured by the Frank-Wolfe duality-gap reaching a certain tolerance; please read the paper for more info.
  • For boolean collision check, both algos stop as soon as they find a separating hyperplane between the shapes or when a point inside their intersection has been found.

We thus measure the following metrics for distance computation:

  • dist_to_vanilla: distance of the solution found by the solver to the solution found by vanilla GJK.
  • numit: number of iterations to converge.
  • execution_time
  • the suffix rel relates to the relative performance to vanilla GJK. Given a solver, a metric and a collision problem, we do metric of GJK on problem P / metric of solver on problem P. We add the suffix early to numit and execution_time to track the performance of the boolean collision check (early because boolean collision check is an early stop of distance computation).

Large benchmarks:

The plots from the paper where obtained from the following benchmarks. You will need to have pandas to save results to .csv files and jupyter to plot the results: conda install pandas jupyterlab

1 - Ellipsoids

  • Launch the benchmark: ./
  • View the results: jupyter lab then go to plot_exp/continuous_ellipsoids/continuous_ellipsoids_plots.ipynb and run the notebook.

Citing this repo

To cite Nesterov accelerated GJK and/or the associated benchmarks, please use the following bibtex lines:

  title = {Collision Detection Accelerated: An Optimization Perspective},
  author = {Montaut, Louis and Le Lidec, Quentin and Petrik, Vladimir and Sivic, Josef and Carpentier, Justin},
  booktitle = {Robotics: Science and Systems},
  year = {2022}


Collision detection benchmarks for the paper "Collision Detection Accelerated: An Optimization Perspective" published at RSS 2022







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