tasks is a CLI TODO list manager
based on John Calhoun's Gophercises
Basically, I use a key and value db called bolt that stores the buckets (lists) in a file in $HOMEDIR/.tasks. Each file created there refers to a list of tasks created. And its contents are the added tasks.
git clone https://github.com/lmagdanello/tasks.git
cd tasks/
go install .
~ tasks
tasks is a CLI TODO list manager
tasks [command]
Available Commands:
add Add a new task to your task list
completion generate the autocompletion script for the specified shell
done Marks a task as complete
help Help about any command
list List tasks
-h, --help help for tasks
Use "tasks [command] --help" for more information about a command.
~ tasks init --bucket github
Bucket "github" created with success!
~ tasks list --bucket github
Bucket: github
You have no tasks!
~ tasks add --bucket github "New Task"
Bucket: github
Added "New Task" to your task list!
~ tasks add --bucket github "Second Task"
Bucket: github
Added "Second Task" to your task list!
~ tasks list --bucket github
Bucket: github
List tasks:
1. New Task
2. Second Task
~ tasks done --bucket github 1
Bucket: github
Task "1" completed!
~ tasks list --bucket github
Bucket: github
List tasks:
1. Second Task
Still working on the project, feel free to contribute or clone!