Node.js stream API for addok geocoder
npm install -g addok-geocode-stream
$ addok-geocode --help
addok-geocode [options]
--help Show help [boolean]
--version Show version number [boolean]
--reverse Reverse mode [boolean]
--service Set geocoding service URL
[default: ""]
--strategy Set geocoding strategy: csv, batch or cluster
[default: "csv"]
--columns Select columns to geocode, in the right order
--citycode Filter results by citycode
--postcode Filter results by postcode
--lon Define longitude column (geo affinity)
--lat Define latitude column (geo affinity)
--semicolon, --semi Use semicolon (;) as separator [boolean]
--tab Use tabulation as separator [boolean]
--pipe Use pipe as separator [boolean]
--result Select columns you want to be added to the result by the
geocoder. Default: all
--bucket Set how many rows are sent in each request
[number] [default: 200]
--concurrency Set how many requests must be executed concurrently
--encoding Set data encoding. Can be detected automatically
[choices: "utf8", "latin1"]
--clusterConfig Path to addok config module (addok.conf)
cat my-addresses.csv | addok-geocode --columns numero,voie,code_postal,ville --semicolon > my-geocoded-addresses.csv