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aifargonos edited this page Oct 19, 2015 · 1 revision

Reasoning Tasks Supported by ELK

There are a number of different reasoning tasks that OWL reasoners may support. Many of them can be logically reduced to each other, but in practice this is often not desirable and sometimes not feasible at all. Moreover, many specific tasks are required for integration in tools like Protégé. Therefore, this page points out which reasoning tasks are directly supported by ELK at the moment. All these tasks are supported using either the command-line interface of ELK, ELK from OWL API, or ELK in Protégé.

Consistency Checking

Consistency checking is the task of computing whether or not an ontology is free of logical contradictions. Formally, an ontology is defined to be consistent if it has at least one model.

TBox Classification

Classification is the task of computing the implied subclass/superclass relationships between all named classes in an ontology. Besides finding out whether a class is subsumed by another one or not, this task involves the transitive reduction of the computed class taxonomy: only direct subclass/superclass relations are returned in the result. Note that this task is meaningful only if the ontology is consistent; an inconsistent ontology makes all classes mutually equivalent. ELK automatically triggers consistency checking before classification.

ABox Realization

Realization is the task of computing the implied instance/type relationships between all named individuals and named classes in an ontology. Similarly to classification, only direct instance/type relations are returned in the result. In order to determine which instance/type relations are direct, one needs to know all subclass/superclass between named classes in the ontology. Therefore, ELK automatically triggers TBox classification before ABox realization.

Incremental Reasoning

From version 0.4.0 ELK can perform the above reasoning task incrementally after changes in ontology (additions, deletions, as well as modification of axioms). This means that the reasoner will try to reuse as many results from the previous computation as possible. At the moment, incremental reasoning is not supported after changes with role axioms (SubObjectPropertyOf, EquivalentObjectProperties, TransitiveObjectProperty, ReflexiveObjectProperty).

Querying Complex Class Expressions

From version 0.4.0 ELK supports querying (retrieving subclasses, superclasses, and instances) of complex (unnamed) class expressions through incremental reasoning. Essentially the reasoner internally defines a new named class equivalent to the desired complex class and queries the new named class instead. See the the corresponding user page for more details.