Wrapper to simplify communication to an LRS. Read more about the Experience API Spec here.
Javascript Experience API wrapper.
This javascript file can be included to web based xAPI clients to
simplify the process of connecting and communicating to an LRS. It
is enclosed in an ADL object like the
ADL xAPI Verbs project, allowing
a single object to contain both the ADL verbs and the ADL xapiwrapper.
This wrapper has two version identifiers within the code. One, xapiVersion
is the version of the Experience API Specification for which it was built.
The second, build
indicates, using an ISO date time, when the
wrapper was last modified. The xapiVersion
value can be used to
determine if the wrapper is compatible with an LRS implementing a specific
xAPI Specification version. The build
value may be used to help
determine if you have the current version of the wrapper.
The wrapper relies on external dependencies to perform some actions.
- base64.js - https://code.google.com/p/javascriptbase64/downloads/list
- 2.5.3-crypto-sha1.js - https://code.google.com/p/crypto-js/downloads/detail?name=2.5.3-crypto-sha1.js&can=4&q=
The wrapper at a minimum needs to know the url of the LRS, though most cases will also require the authorization information as well.
This wrapper provides two options for configuration. You may:
- Edit the configuration object (
) in the xapiwrapper.js file
var Config = function()
var conf = {};
conf['endpoint'] = "http://localhost:8000/xapi/";
conf['auth'] = "Basic " + Base64.encode('tom:1234');
catch (e)
log("Exception in Config trying to encode auth: " + e);
// Statement defaults [optional configuration]
// conf["actor"] = {"mbox":"default@example.com"};
// conf["registration"] = ruuid();
// conf["grouping"] = {"id":"ctxact:default/grouping"};
// conf["activity_platform"] = "default platform";
return conf
- Create your own configuration object and pass it to the xapiwrapper object
var conf = {
"endpoint" : "http://lrs.adlnet.gov/xapi/";
"auth" : "Basic " + Base64.encode('tom:1234');
The configuration will also look for url query parameters and use those
name - value pairs in the XAPIWrapper's internal configuration. That means
that http://localhost:8000/content/example.html?actor={"mbox":"mailto:[email protected]"}
(not url encoded for illustrative purposes) would be parsed for an actor,
which would automatically be included in the wrapper configuration.
NOTE: endpoint, auth, actor, registration, activity_id, grouping, and activity_platform
are keywords that if found are used in send statement requests. See below for
usage examples.
The wrapper comes with a logging function (ADL.XAPIWrapper.log(message)
which attempts to write a message to console.log. This can be configured
to not write messages by setting log.debug = false;
Include the wrapper file, and optionally the dependencies.
<script type="text/javascript" src="./base64.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="./2.5.3-crypto-sha1.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="./verbs.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="./xAPIWrapper/xapiwrapper.js"></script>
The script automatically runs, creating or adding to an ADL object an instantiated xAPI Wrapper object. The object is created using the configuration object inside the xapiwrapper.js file. If you modified this object with your configuration, then xAPI Wrapper object is ready to use.
>> true
function sendStatement(statement, callback)
Sends a single Statement to the LRS using a PUT request. This
method will automatically create the Statement ID. Providing a
function to call after the send Statement request will make
the request happen asynchronously, otherwise Send Statement
will block until it receives the response from the LRS.
var stmt = {"actor" : {"mbox" : "mailto:[email protected]"},
"verb" : {"id" : "http://adlnet.gov/expapi/verbs/answered",
"display" : {"en-US" : "answered"}},
"object" : {"id" : "http://adlnet.gov/expapi/activities/question"}};
var resp_obj = ADL.XAPIWrapper.sendStatement(stmt);
ADL.XAPIWrapper.log("[" + resp_obj.id + "]: " + resp_obj.xhr.status + " - " + resp_obj.xhr.statusText);
>> [3e616d1c-5394-42dc-a3aa-29414f8f0dfe]: 204 - NO CONTENT
var stmt = {"actor" : {"mbox" : "mailto:[email protected]"},
"verb" : {"id" : "http://adlnet.gov/expapi/verbs/answered",
"display" : {"en-US" : "answered"}},
"object" : {"id" : "http://adlnet.gov/expapi/activities/question"}};
ADL.XAPIWrapper.sendStatement(stmt, function(resp, obj){
ADL.XAPIWrapper.log("[" + obj.id + "]: " + resp.status + " - " + resp.statusText);});
>> [4edfe763-8b84-41f1-a355-78b7601a6fe8]: 204 - NO CONTENT
The wrapper looks for URL query string values to include in
its internal configuration. If certain keys
("endpoint","auth","actor","registration","activity_id", "grouping", "activity_platform")
are found, the values are included in a Statement.
Client Calls
var stmt = {"actor" : {"mbox" : "mailto:[email protected]"},
"verb" : {"id" : "http://adlnet.gov/expapi/verbs/answered",
"display" : {"en-US" : "answered"}},
"object" : {"id" : "http://adlnet.gov/expapi/activities/question"}};
var resp_obj = ADL.XAPIWrapper.sendStatement(stmt);
>> {"version": "1.0.0",
"timestamp": "2013-09-09 21:36:40.185841+00:00",
"object": {"id": "http://adlnet.gov/expapi/activities/question", "objectType": "Activity"},
"actor": {"mbox": "mailto:[email protected]", "name": "tom creighton", "objectType": "Agent"},
"stored": "2013-09-09 21:36:40.186124+00:00",
"verb": {"id": "http://adlnet.gov/expapi/verbs/answered", "display": {"en-US": "answered"}},
"authority": {"mbox": "mailto:[email protected]", "name": "tom", "objectType": "Agent"},
> "context": {"registration": "51a6f860-1997-11e3-8ffd-0800200c9a66"},
"id": "ea9c1d01-0606-4ec7-8e5d-20f87b1211ed"}
ADL also has collected the ADL xAPI Verbs
into a Javascript object to easily include. To use...
Include verbs.js
<script type="text/javascript" src="./verbs.js"></script>
Client Calls
var stmt = {"actor" : {"mbox" : "mailto:[email protected]"},
"verb" : ADL.verbs.answered,
"object" : {"id" : "http://adlnet.gov/expapi/activities/question"}};
var resp_obj = ADL.XAPIWrapper.sendStatement(stmt);
>> {"version": "1.0.0",
"timestamp": "2013-09-09 22:08:51.440327+00:00",
"object": {"id": "http://adlnet.gov/expapi/activities/question", "objectType": "Activity"},
"actor": {"mbox": "mailto:[email protected]", "name": "tom creighton", "objectType": "Agent"},
"stored": "2013-09-09 22:08:51.440614+00:00",
> "verb": {"id": "http://adlnet.gov/expapi/verbs/answered", "display": {"en-US": "answered"}},
"authority": {"mbox": "mailto:[email protected]", "name": "tom", "objectType": "Agent"},
"id": "9c5a910b-83c2-4114-84f5-d41ed790f8cf"}
function sendStatements(statementArray, callback)
Sends a list of Statements to the LRS in one batch. It
accepts the list of Statements and a callback function as
arguments and returns the XHR request object if no callback
is supplied. The response of the XHR request upon success will
contain a list of Statement IDs.
var stmt = {"actor" : {"mbox" : "mailto:[email protected]"},
"verb" : ADL.verbs.answered,
"object" : {"id" : "http://adlnet.gov/expapi/activities/question/1"}};
var stmt2 = {"actor" : {"mbox" : "mailto:[email protected]"},
"verb" : ADL.verbs.answered,
"object" : {"id" : "http://adlnet.gov/expapi/activities/question/2"}};
var stmts = [stmt, stmt2];
var r = ADL.XAPIWrapper.sendStatements(stmts);
>> ["2d819ea4-1a1e-11e3-a888-08002787eb49", "409c27de-1a1e-11e3-a888-08002787eb49"]
var stmt = {"actor" : {"mbox" : "mailto:[email protected]"},
"verb" : ADL.verbs.answered,
"object" : {"id" : "http://adlnet.gov/expapi/activities/question/1"}};
var stmt2 = {"actor" : {"mbox" : "mailto:[email protected]"},
"verb" : ADL.verbs.answered,
"object" : {"id" : "http://adlnet.gov/expapi/activities/question/2"}};
var stmts = [stmt, stmt2];
ADL.XAPIWrapper.sendStatements(stmts, function(r){ADL.XAPIWrapper.log(JSON.parse(r.response));});
>> ["2d819ea4-1a1e-11e3-a888-08002787eb49", "409c27de-1a1e-11e3-a888-08002787eb49"]
function getStatements(searchParams, more, callback)
Get a single or collection of Statements based on
search parameters or a StatementResult more value.
This could be potentially a very large request. It is preferable to include a search parameter object to narrow down the StatementResult set. However, this call is included to support report style pages.
var ret = ADL.XAPIWrapper.getStatements();
if (ret)
>> <Array of statements>
ADL.XAPIWrapper.getStatements(null, null,
>> <Array of statements>
var res = ADL.XAPIWrapper.getStatements();
>> <Array of statements>
if (res.more !== ""){
var more = ADL.XAPIWrapper.getStatements(null, res.more);
>> <Array of statements>
ADL.XAPIWrapper.getStatements(null, null,
function getmore(r){
var res = JSON.parse(r.response);
if (res.more !== ""){
ADL.XAPIWrapper.getStatements(null, res.more, getmore);
>> <Array of statements>
>> <Array of statements>
The Experience API provides search parameters to narrow down the result of a Statement request. See the Experience API Spec for more information.
var search = ADL.XAPIWrapper.searchParams();
search['verb'] = ADL.verbs.answered.id;
var res = ADL.XAPIWrapper.getStatements(search);
>> <Array of statements with verb id of "http://adlnet.gov/expapi/verbs/answered">
function getActivities(activityid, callback)
Get the Activity object from the LRS by providing an Activity ID.
var res = ADL.XAPIWrapper.getActivities("http://adlnet.gov/expapi/activities/question");
>> <Activity object>
>> <Activity object>
function sendState(activityid, agent, stateid, registration, statevalue, matchHash, noneMatchHash, callback)
function getState(activityid, agent, stateid, registration, since, callback)
Save / Retrieve activity state information for a particular agent, and optional registration.
var stateval = {"info":"the state info"};
{"mbox":"mailto:[email protected]"},
"questionstate", null, stateval);
{"mbox":"mailto:[email protected]"}, "questionstate");
>> {info: "the state info"}
var oldstateval = {"info":"the state info"};
var newstateval = {"info":"the new value"};
{"mbox":"mailto:[email protected]"},
"questionstate", null, newstateval,
{"mbox":"mailto:[email protected]"}, "questionstate",
null, null, function(r){ADL.XAPIWrapper.log(JSON.parse(r.response));});
>> {info: "the new value"}
var anotherstate = {"more": "info about act and agent"};
{"mbox":"mailto:[email protected]"},
"another_state", null, anotherstate);
var states = ADL.XAPIWrapper.getState("http://adlnet.gov/expapi/activities/question",
{"mbox":"mailto:[email protected]"});
>> ["another_state", "questionstate"]
var since = new Date();
since.setMinutes(since.getMinutes() - 15);
var states = ADL.XAPIWrapper.getState("http://adlnet.gov/expapi/activities/question",
{"mbox":"mailto:[email protected]"}, null, null, since);
>> ["another_state"]
function sendActivityProfile(activityid, profileid, profilevalue, matchHash, noneMatchHash, callback)
function getActivityProfile(activityid, profileid, since, callback)
Allows for the storage and retrieval of data about an Activity.
var profile = {"info":"the profile"};
"actprofile", profile, null, "*");
"actprofile", null,
>> {info: "the profile"}
var profile = ADL.XAPIWrapper.getActivityProfile("http://adlnet.gov/expapi/activities/question",
var oldprofhash = ADL.XAPIWrapper.hash(JSON.stringify(profile));
profile['new'] = "changes to profile";
"actprofile", profile, oldprofhash);
"actprofile", null,
>> {info: "the profile", new: "changes to profile"}
var profile = {"info":"the profile"};
"otheractprofile", profile, null, "*");
null, null,
>> ["otheractprofile", "actprofile"]
var since = new Date();
since.setMinutes(since.getMinutes() - 15);
var profiles = ADL.XAPIWrapper.getActivityProfile("http://adlnet.gov/expapi/activities/question",
null, since);
>> ["otheractprofile"]
function getAgents(agent, callback)
Gets a special Person object containing all the values
of an Agent the LRS knows about. The Person object's
identifying properties are arrays and it may have more
than one identifier. See more about Person in the spec
var res = ADL.XAPIWrapper.getAgents({"mbox":"mailto:[email protected]"});
>> <Person object>
ADL.XAPIWrapper.getAgents({"mbox":"mailto:[email protected]"},
>> <Person object>
function sendAgentProfile(agent, profileid, profilevalue, matchHash, noneMatchHash, callback)
function getAgentProfile(agent, profileid, since, callback)
Allows for the storage and retrieval of data about an Agent.
var profile = {"info":"the agent profile"};
ADL.XAPIWrapper.sendAgentProfile({"mbox":"mailto:[email protected]"},
"agentprofile", profile, null, "*");
ADL.XAPIWrapper.getAgentProfile({"mbox":"mailto:[email protected]"},
"agentprofile", null,
>> {info: "the agent profile"}
var profile = ADL.XAPIWrapper.getAgentProfile({"mbox":"mailto:[email protected]"},
var oldprofhash = ADL.XAPIWrapper.hash(JSON.stringify(profile));
profile['new'] = "changes to the agent profile";
ADL.XAPIWrapper.sendAgentProfile({"mbox":"mailto:[email protected]"},
"agentprofile", profile, oldprofhash);
ADL.XAPIWrapper.getAgentProfile({"mbox":"mailto:[email protected]"},
"agentprofile", null,
>> {info: "the agent profile", new: "changes to the agent profile"}
var profile = {"info":"the agent profile"};
ADL.XAPIWrapper.sendAgentProfile({"mbox":"mailto:[email protected]"},
"othergentprofile", profile, null, "*");
ADL.XAPIWrapper.getAgentProfile({"mbox":"mailto:[email protected]"},
null, null,
>> ["otheragentprofile", "agentprofile"]
var since = new Date();
since.setMinutes(since.getMinutes() - 15);
var profiles = ADL.XAPIWrapper.getAgentProfile({"mbox":"mailto:[email protected]"},
null, since);
>> ["otheragentprofile"]