pls install neuralcoref,and spaCy
split text into section, given granularity as a param (default split into paragarph) Note that the granularity is important because we only do corefence(pronoun resolve) inside a section. But also we can design better algo to handle coref among different section.
we do Coref and NER here
the coref has a bug that it will skip those named entity without reference from pronoun
for example,
David is a boy and he is handsome.
will produce ['David','he']
while David is a boy
will produce nothing
So we combine Coref and NER to identify all entity.
parse relationship between entities in a section.
two basic rule: a) in same sentence. b) within X words, X is a threshold
need too handle coreference of named entity among different section.
For example, "Harry Potter" appear in section1, "Potter" appear in section2, we need to merge them together. (If they appear in the same section, the coref can potentially handle this)
how to decide granularity, some paragraph are all dialogs, and some doesn't contain any name.