- NodeMCU-ESP8266开发板
- lcd1602显示屏(使用I2C总线)
- 杜邦线若干
- 可以联网的WiFi信号
- Arduino IDE
- 心知天气API(免费版够用)
- VCC——3.3V
GPIO | Function | State | Restrictions |
0 | Boot mode select | 3.3V | No Hi-Z |
1 | TX0 | - | Not usable during Serial transmission |
2 | Boot mode select TX1 | 3.3V (boot only) | Don’t connect to ground at boot time Sends debug data at boot time |
3 | RX0 | - | Not usable during Serial transmission |
4 | SDA (I²C) | - | - |
5 | SCL (I²C) | - | - |
6 - 11 | Flash connection | x | Not usable, and not broken out |
12 | MISO (SPI) | - | - |
13 | MOSI (SPI) | - | - |
14 | SCK (SPI) | - | - |
15 | SS (SPI) | 0V | Pull-up resistor not usable |
16 | Wake up from sleep | - | No pull-up resistor, but pull-down instead Should be connected to RST to wake up |