Releases: liubang/nvimrc
Releases · liubang/nvimrc
3.14.0 (2024-07-07)
- bazel: bazel telescope extension support bzlmod (14d366e)
Bug Fixes
- gitsigns: remove yadm (620754b)
- venn: do not clear all buffer mapping (a359c81)
- venn: fix duplicate key mapping (0d3a88c)
Performance Improvements
- cmp: disable menu to avoid unnecessary space (392f258)
- fillchars: custom fillchars (3625945)
- flash: disable char mode (544c442)
- lsp: add xml ls (239f479)
- lsp: use JAVA_HOME env (03dd45d)
- misc: do some changes (469e93e)
- misc: do some changes (28b8535)
- opt: set mouse = v (77d8442)
- plugin: add telescope-live-grep-args (6472391)
- plugin: update flash and lualine config (027e4ad)
3.13.2 (2024-05-17)
Performance Improvements
3.13.0 (2023-12-09)
- flash.nvim: add flash.nvim (5487410)
- flash.nvim: disable flit mode (cef50a2)
- vim-repeat: remove vim-repeat (0e1ba0f)
Bug Fixes
- lsp: fix lsp keymap (fd288d8)
- lsp: removed vim.lsp.get_clients function (f1e3c16)
- lsp: removed vim.lsp.get_clients function (f2597b8)
- treesitter: sometimes error (5386829)
Performance Improvements
- fidget: upgrade to latest version (71a9b4f)
- flash.nvim: set trigger key (207356f)
- icon: update icons (a3e3bdd)
- lsp: update (a3083ac)
- luasnip: fix snip (66b0050)
- mix: some opts (d18eb8a)
- mix: some opts (3a63077)
- mix: some opts (6e99363)
- mix: some opts (394191c)
- mix: some opts (893beac)
- mix: some opts (ed72f58)
- nvim-tree: disable auto_reload_on_write (4d5e366)
- nvim-tree: disable sync_root_with_cwd (5b42232)
- nvim-tree: use prefer_startup_root (d42d64e)
- treesitter: remove jsonc (becf7f8)
3.12.0 (2023-10-25)
- diffview: add diffview plugin (2651a3a)
- format: change format style (fe616c3)
- format: change format style (0b14933)
- format: change format style (2bd4aad)
- null-ls: use none-ls instead of null-ls (c3b94af)
Bug Fixes
- LuaSnip: add friendly-snippets (13d8126)
Performance Improvements
- dap: disable the DAP plugin because it's hardly ever used (f575a43)
- lazy: update lazy config (8423282)
- lsp: add range formatting keymap (1f9eb01)
- lsp: add thriftls and change pyright config (ac2917f)
- lsp: automatic formatting for go (064ed3f)
- lsp: disable auto format for bzl (a0b3f32)
- luasnip: change tab keymap (a43329e)
- opt: change formatoption (6d91b90)
3.11.3 (2023-09-06)
Bug Fixes
- treesitter: deprecated treesitter api (656eb71)
Performance Improvements
- bufferline.nvim: update config (bbe94a6)
- clangd: update clangd config (7e74cb2)
- clangd: update clangd config (3fc3514)
- cmp.nvim: less is more (a817502)
- cmp.nvim: update cmp config (ebcdb1c)
- cmp.nvim: update cmp config (d5f6385)
- cmp.nvim: update cmp config (88b68c9)
- cmp: update cmp config (cbb0bf5)
- hl: add modern c/cpp syntax highlight (7c415f5)
- icons: update some icons (f865c65)
- lsp: disable semantic tokens (82e96d0)
- lsp: disable semantic tokens for clangd (dccb4c7)
- lsp: update lsp config (8f59d82)
- misc: some changes (b2fb47e)
- misc: some changes (542bb84)
- mix: less is more (ab4fe62)
- mix: less is more (8c3273e)
- neo-tree: disable default mapping (62e1584)
- neo-tree: upgrade to v3.x (8b389ec)
- neo-tree: upgrade to v3.x (f9896b2)
- pairs: use mini.pairs (9b3d7e6)
- syntax: add go syntax (5915d71)
- syntax: add yacc and lex syntax (5eda8e1)
- theme: use gruvbox-material-light-hard (a29bc67)
3.11.2 (2023-06-03)
Bug Fixes
- ions: fix nerd font icons (9c67b6a)
Performance Improvements
- autocmd: add support for detecting .clangd and .clang-format file types (16fb2b8)
- illuminate: on large files >2000 lines, enable lsp references only (18c0ed8)
- lsp: disable buf lsp (1ae7ece)
- lsp: some small changes (8034bf7)
- plugins: add venn.nvim and sort.nvim (bc07d30)
- plugins: remove asyncrun.extra (138b75b)
- theme: disable italic comment (abf8d4f)
- venn.nvim: update venn.nvim config (4fb8800)
3.11.0 (2023-05-13)
- plugins: improve performance (be2f5ca)
Performance Improvements
- lazy: disable file change detection (cc8588f)
- mason: updates registry contents (993b71a)
- mini.lua: remove keys config (d5221a4)
- nvim-cmp: don't use tab to select cmp item (0da1ee2)
- nvim-spectre: nvim-spectre repo rename (05029f5)
- nvim-treesitter: use HEAD for nvim-treesitter (0bf4d24)
- plugins: reduce configuration files to shorten startup time (73d3cd7)
- plugins: reduce configuration files to shorten startup time (8f6d64b)
- telescope.nvim: use HEAD for telescope (340f392)