A scripy to download bing daily wallpaper
usage: bing-dl [-h] [--service-mode] [--scan-interval SCAN_INTERVAL] [--log-path LOG_PATH] [--log-level {DEBUG,INFO,WARNING,ERROR}] [--storage-type {NONE,SQLITE}]
[--storage-path STORAGE_PATH] [--download-path DOWNLOAD_PATH] [--download-timeout DOWNLOAD_TIMEOUT] [--max-retries MAX_RETRIES]
[--retry-backoff RETRY_BACKOFF] [--search-zone {CN,EN}] [--day-offset {0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7}] [--day-count {1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8}] [--notify-mail NOTIFY_MAIL]
[--notify-user-mail NOTIFY_USER_MAIL] [--notify-user-pass NOTIFY_USER_PASS] [--notify-user-name NOTIFY_USER_NAME] [--server-chan-key SERVER_CHAN_KEY]
A tool to download bing daily wallpaper.
-h, --help show this help message and exit
General Options:
--service-mode Run as service and periodically scan new wallpaper, otherwise only run once (default: False)
--scan-interval SCAN_INTERVAL
Check new wallpaper every scan-interval millisecond if run in server mode, env: BING_SCAN_INTERVAL (default: 3600)
--log-path LOG_PATH Location for log file, default is stdout, env: BING_LOG_PATH (default: None)
Log level, env: BING_LOG_LEVEL (default: INFO)
--storage-type {NONE,SQLITE}
The way to store wallpaper info and check exist, NONE means not store and not check, env: BING_STORAGE_TYPE (default: SQLITE)
--storage-path STORAGE_PATH
Location for database files if storage-type is not NONE, env: BING_STORAGE_PATH (default: storage)
--download-path DOWNLOAD_PATH
Location for downloaded wallpaper files, env: BING_DOWNLOAD_PATH (default: download)
--download-timeout DOWNLOAD_TIMEOUT
Download timeout millisecond, env: BING_DOWNLOAD_TIMEOUT (default: 5000)
--max-retries MAX_RETRIES
Times to retry when failed to download, env: BING_MAX_RETRIES (default: 3)
--retry-backoff RETRY_BACKOFF
Backoff time millisecond to retry if failed, env: BING_RETRY_BACKOFF (default: 1000)
Bing Options:
--search-zone {CN,EN}
Search in bing china or international web site, env: BING_SEARCH_ZONE (default: CN)
--day-offset {0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7}
The num days before today start to get, env: BING_DAY_OFFSET (default: 0)
--day-count {1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8}
The bing API can get up to 8 days of wallpaper before today, env: BING_DAY_COUNT (default: 8)
Notify Options:
--notify-mail NOTIFY_MAIL
send email to this address after download, env: BING_NOTIFY_MAIL (default: None)
--notify-user-mail NOTIFY_USER_MAIL
email to send notify email, env: BING_NOTIFY_USER_MAIL (default: None)
--notify-user-pass NOTIFY_USER_PASS
notify user email password or token, env: BING_NOTIFY_USER_PASS (default: None)
--notify-user-name NOTIFY_USER_NAME
notify user name to send email, env: BING_NOTIFY_USER_NAME (default: Robot)
--server-chan-key SERVER_CHAN_KEY
server-chan token to notify, env: BING_SERVER_CHAN_KEY (default: None)
All args can be read from environment variables, the environment variables with prefix BING_
Run as service and periodically scan new wallpaper.
Note that bing-dl runs as UID 1000 and GID 1000 by default. These may be altered with the PUID
and PGID
environment variables.
docker run -d \
-e [email protected] \
-e [email protected] \
-e PUID=1000 \
-e PGID=1000 \
-v /path/to/storage/folder:/bing/storage \
-v /path/to/download/folder:/bing/download \