- add pre-trained model
- fix bugs
- windows support
- vehicle detection
> cd $caffe_root/script
> build_win.cmd
cd examples
- convert yolo.cfg to yolo.prototxt
- convert yolo weights to caffemodel
cd caffe_root
- examples\yolo_detection.cmd
If load success , you can see the image window like this
comming soon
- Box_data_layer can not read lable from lmdb
- The result x,y,w,h between caffe and darknet were correct , but confidence was a little difference
- The output size was different when max pooling layer at kernel size = 2 , stride = 1 , so i modify the original caffe code
- The output size was different when conv layer at kernel size = 1, to avoid this problem I set pad = 0 (prototxt)