A lightweight package that allows for custom handling on PrimaryKeyRelatedField
in serializers.
The default behaviour of the mixin is to allow the normal behaviour of the PrimaryKeyRelatedField
writes (i.e. require the PK as input data for POST, PUT and PATCH) and to render the related object using
the given serializer for GET requests. If no serializer is passed, defaults to the normal behaviour.
Serialization (i.e. object to data) works in both ways of the relationship, that is you can
simply use the mixin just like in the snippet below. However, for deserialization (i.e. data
to object), this only works (it is only tested) for many to one relationship in this exact direction.
That is, if you have an Author
and a Book
, where an author can have many books, then
you will only be able to create/edit the books by passing them the author ID, but not vice-versa.
from rest_framework import serializers
from drf_related_object_field.mixins import RelatedObjectFieldMixin
class RelatedObjectSerializer(serializers.ModelSerializer):
class Meta:
model = MyRelatedModel
fields = "__all__"
class MySerializer(RelatedObjectFieldMixin, serializers.ModelSerializer):
class Meta:
model = MyModel
fields = ("id", "name", "my_related_object")
extra_kwargs = {
"my_related_object": {
"serializer_class": RelatedObjectSerializer,