A pair of Eva Robots https://automata.tech/about-eva/
IP, API key, and Barcode Reader path are defined in .env on the host controller machine, in the directory
The system is operated by an industrial Raspberry Pi. SSH is available, and can be used from the production network.
On a Mac or Linux machine, use the terminal and ssh
to the device IP address.
On Windows, use Putty from https://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/ - this has already been installed on the Metalwork workstations.
Web interfaces to the robot arms and Raspberry Pi controller are also available.
Log in to the host controller machine and run the following command:
sudo systemctl stop eva-paint-robot
This releases the exclusive lock on the barcode reader.
Within the eva-paint-robot directory, run following command to start the barcode assigning process.
/usr/bin/python3 /home/pi/eva-paint-robot/main.py
It will take a moment to load, and then it will walk you through the process.
When complete, press ctrl-c to exit the program.
To start the system again, run the following command
sudo systemctl start eva-paint-robot
Clone this repository to your local machine, within the directory /home/pi/eva-paint-robot/
cd /home/pi/eva-paint-robot/
and install the requisite python modules with:
sudo pipenv install
Install the systemctl startup/shutdown script with:
sudo cp eva-paint-robot.service /etc/systemd/system/
sudo systemctl daemon-reload
sudo systemctl enable eva-paint-robot.service --now
The paint robot service operates in headless mode when running in day to day operations. This allows it to recieve barcode events and act upon them without any other interaction required. To check the behaviour of the system whilst it is running, logs are output to the following location.
It is possible to 'tail' the logs with a command such as this:
tail -n 50 -f /home/pi/eva-paint-robot/eva.log
This will show the last 50 lines of the log file, including anything new that is generated. Stop the command with ctrl+c
If this source code has been modified and commit to Git externally, such as via a workstation or laptop, it must also be synchronised down to the Pi.
SSH to the Raspberry Pi, and cd to the /home/pi/eva-paint-robot
Stop the robot system with sudo systemctl stop eva-paint-robot.service
Execute git pull
, and the source code will be updated from the copy in Github.
Use git status
to view the status of the filesystem compared to what source control expects. There should be no major differences.
Start the robot system with sudo systemctl start eva-paint-robot.service