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Arrivals and Departures to Connections

Status: not functional - work in progress

This javascript library transforms a stream of "arrivals and departures" to "connections".

This code is useful for route planning applications where arrivals and departures are easy to generate, but connections are difficult to get right in the same processing.

Install and use


npm install -g arrdep2connections

Now you can use the code on top of 2 files which follow the JSON-LD stream specification:

arrdep2connections arrivalsfile.json departurefile.json -i context.json > connections.json

Optionally, you can specify a different inbound context.json using the -i flag, and a different outbound context by using the -o flag.

NodeJS library

Install it using npm:

npm install --save arrdep2connections

Use it in your code:

var arrdep2connections = require('arrdep2connections');
var stringify = require('JSONStream').stringify(false);


Data models

1. Arrival objects and departure objects

A departure is something of this form:

  "date" : "2015-12-25",
  "departureTime" : "23:49",
  "stop" : "{stop1}",
  "other properties" : "other values"


property URI description type
date dcterms:date date when the trip of the vehicle departed a day in ISO8601 format or xsd:date
departureTime gtfs:departureTime departure time given as a duration calculated starting at noon minus 12h in this format "hh:mm" iso8601 or xsd:duration
stop gtfs:stop stop of departure an identifier of the stop of departure
other properties Feel free to add anything on here. When properties overlap with an arrival, only the property from the departure is kept in the connection.

An Arrival is something of this form:

  "date" : "2015-12-25",
  "arrivalTime" : "24:16",
  "stop" : "{stop2}",
  "other properties" : "other values"


property URI description type
date dcterms:date date when the trip of the vehicle departed a day in ISO8601 format or xsd:date
arrivalTime gtfs:arrivalTime arrival time given as a duration calculated starting at noon minus 12h in this format "hh:mm" iso8601 or xsd:duration
stop gtfs:stop stop of arrival an identifier of the stop of arrival
other properties Feel free to add anything on here. When properties overlap with a departure, only the property from the departure is kept in the connection.

2. A connection object

A connection object is something that looks like this:

  "departureTime" : "2015-12-25T23:49",
  "departureStop" : "{stop1}",
  "arrivalTime" : "2015-12-26T00:16",
  "arrivalStop" : "{stop2}",
  "other properties" : "other values"


property URI description type
arrivalTime lc:arrivalTime arrival date/time iso8601 or xsd:dateTime
arrivalStop lc:arrivalStop stop of arrival an identifier of the stop of arrival
departureTime lc:departureTime departure date/time iso8601 or xsd:dateTime
departureStop lc:departureStop stop of departure an identifier of the stop of departure
other properties copied properties from the arrival/departure objects


Deprecated - Transform arrivals and departures to connections






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