Resetting password via email #86
Refactory Mobile version #92
Enhance the sliding performance of mobile version
Upload photos from mobile phones and devices
Add Markdown support in mobile version #92
Enhance loading speed of mobile version
Modified the the layout of mobile version and style
Real-time notifications push in mobile version
Compatibility improvement (for WP and iOS7- )
QQ oAuth login #78
Weibo oAuth login #78
GitHub oAuth login #78
Add XCache support #89
Hot tags page #91
Edit tag description and upload tag icon #91
Binding existing forum account with social account #78
Fixed the duplicate Edit button.
Add topic data cache and topic views cache
Allow user to edit topic tags. #85
Instant reminder when you register
Enhanced compatibility under IIS 6 or older version
Add sphinx search support(@virteman )
Add dockerfile relation(@virteman )
Check the existence of user name before login
More insensitive to mention functions
Add push connection timeout. #20
Add a button to refresh statistics data
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