A toml v1.0.0 decoder/encoder written in pure lua
toml.lua is compatible with:
- lua 5.x
- luajit
You can copy the toml.lua file and put it directly in your project or use lit with the following command
$ lit install lil-evil/toml
No dependencies
Simply require it and start using it :
local toml = require"toml"
local toml_file = [=[
key = "value"
number = 42
local parsed, err = toml.parse(toml_file)
The parser should not throw any error, and if so, it's a bug
the table toml
contains constants and function that are usefull for integration:
name | type | description |
error_code | table | contain all error id that indentify an error |
error_message | table | contain all error message with error id as key |
encode | function | encode a lua table to a toml string (COMING SOON) |
decode | function | decode a toml string to lua table |
parse | function | same a decode (naming convennience) |
version | string | toml.lua version |
The parsing functions take a single string and return 3 values:
: the parsed table or nil in case of errornil
: the error message fomatted with line and posnil
: the error table, with formatted message, error id, line and pos of the error (for advanced use cases, when reporting the error message is not enough)
Data are parsed to their respective data type in lua:
- strings
- numbers
- boolean
- table => contains a metatable:
{__tomltype="table", __jsontype="object", __tomlheader=bool, __tomlinline=bool}
- array (also table) => contains a metatable:
{__tomltype="array", __jsontype="array", __tomlheader=bool, __tomlinline=bool}
And dates are supported. any parsed dates are translated to a table with following fields:
- __type: "localtime", "localdate" or "datetime"
- timestamp: the unix timestamp calculated with os.time and converted to milliseconds, and offset applied
- offset: present if the datetime contains an offset at the end, and already applied to the timestamp
- input: the date/time given to the parser, undisturbed
- from metatable (all strings):
- year
- month
- day
- hour
- min
- sec
- ms
local datetime = {
__type = 'datetime',
input = '1998-11-19T13:41:00.255+01:00',
timestamp = 911482860255,
offset = 3600000,
-- the following are calculated with the __index meta using the timestamp
year = "1998",
month = "11",
day = "19",
hour = "14",
min = "41",
sec = "00",
ms = "255",
Toml.lua passes most of toml-test validations.
For validation, I used modified tests and skipped some other for diverses reasons
You can test the parser localy with test.lua which currently require luvit as a lua runtime, it automatically download toml-test, unpack it and run the test using the specified lua runtime (default luvit)
In the near futur, test.lua will not require luvit to work, and will emulate toml-test by itself, using any lua runtime
$ luvit test.lua lua-runtime
or with the magic of shebangs
$ ./test.lua lua-runtime
where lua-runtime is a valid command that invoque a lua interpreter (eg lua5.1, luajit, luvit...)
The modified tests with justification are listed here
For skipped tests, it's listed here and if any of theses tests/features seems really important for you, open an issue and i'll work on it
Skipped and modified tests are not just for fun, there are limitaions for this parser, either by lua itself, or my brain lacking coffe to handle some problems (I guess)
- Numbers above 2^53 loose precision, but the parser does not raise error
- this pull is not handled currently, and thuse, allow dotted keys to append on header table
- comments are just ignored, no unicode verification is done on them
This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for more information.