TensorFlow source code for the following publication:
LGM-Net: Learning to Generate Matching Networks for Few-Shot Learning
Huaiyu Li, Weiming Dong, Xing Mei, Chongyang Ma, Feiyue Huang, Bao-Gang Hu
In Proceedings of the 36th International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML 2019)
- Python 3.5
- NumPy
- SciPy
- tqdm
- Tensorflow 1.4
- Opencv 3.2.0
Set the path of resized miniImageNet dataset in data.py
python train_meta_matching_network.py --way 5 --shot 1
python train_meta_matching_network.py --way 5 --shot 5
python train_meta_matching_network.py --way 5 --shot 1 --is_test True --ckp checkpoint_id
Thanks to Antreas Antoniou for his Matching Networks implementation of which parts were used for this implementation.