Yealink Meeting/UME used modified Qt libs for specified functions and show the changes in this github path:
you can check changes from the link below:
- pull modified qt code from project
- run cmd below
configure -prefix d:\xxxx\ -debug-and-release -confirm-license -opensource -shared -force-debug-info -opengl dynamic -platform win32-msvc2017 -c++std c++11 -nomake tests -nomake examples -skip qtwebengine -mp
- "d:\xxxx" means compile target path, you can replace any other available path.
- "-platform win32-msvc2017" means compiler, you can replace any other available compiler.
- other configs are all not fixed, you can adjust if need
- compile qt like official ways
- copy qt libs into Yealink Meeting/UME install path and replace current libs