The Greek VAT ID validator checks if a number is POTENTIALLY valid in Greek VAT ID Registry.
Validator does NOT check if VAT ID does actually belong to a person or a company, it checks only if it obeys the algorithm of a valid Greek VAT ID:
1. VAT ID = 090000045
2. Calculate sum of 0*2^8+9*2^7+0*2^6+0*2^5+0*2^4+0*2^3+0*2^2+4*2^1 = 1160
3. Calculate mod11 = 1160 % 11 = 5
4. Calculate mod10 = 5 % 10 = 5
5. mod10 (5) is equal to 5 (last digit), so VAT ID is VALID
1. VAT ID = 123456789
2. Calculate sum of 1*2^8+2*2^7+3*2^6+4*2^5+5*2^4+6*2^3+7*2^2+8*2^1 = 1004
3. Calculate mod11 = 1004 % 11 = 3
4. Calculate mod10 = 3 % 10 = 3
5. mod10 (3) is not equal to 9 (last digit), so VAT ID is INVALID
Install the package using Composer:
composer require liagkos/laravel-grvatid-validator
Laravel's service provider discovery will automatically configure the Grvatval service provider for you.
After installation, the grvatval
validator will be available for use directly in your validation rules.
'vatid' => 'grvatval',
Within the context of a registration form, it would look like this:
return Validator::make($data, [
'name' => 'required',
'email' => 'required|string|email',
'password' => 'required',
'vatid' => 'required|grvatval'
Alternatively, you can use the Liagkos\Grvatval\Grvatval
Validation Rule Object
instead of the grvatval
alias if you prefer:
return Validator::make($data, [
'name' => 'required',
'email' => 'required|string|email',
'password' => 'required',
'vatid' => ['required', new \Liagkos\Grvatval\Grvatval],
You will need to assign your own validation message within the resources/lang/*/validation.php
Both the Rule object and the grvatval
validator alias refer to the validation string validation.grvatval
Just run the the test in tests
directory. I use the orchestra/testbench along with PHPUnit.
Since I'm quite new in all Laravel stuff, I got the idea from Stephen Rees-Carten and his own valorin/pwned-validator validator, from whom I used some code and stuff, modified accordingly to make this validator. Thank you Stephen, live long and propsper!