A image placeholder service to provide images to templates, similar to Placeimg that is shutting down, placehold.it and other services.
GIMG is a Node.js app running on top of Hapi.js, using Graphics Magick to manipulate the images.
Well, after cloning the repository, you should run npm install
and you are ready to go, running node app.js
or nodemon if you prefer.
###Graphics Magick installation
You have to install Graphics Magick on your computer so he can do his magic, not only the Node.js module.
Personally, for a Debian based distro, I've added a repository, running the following lines should be enough:
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:dhor/myway
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install graphicsmagick
But, for another distro or another OS you can access Graphics Magick official website to get install instructions.
That's it.