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Turtlebot3 + RealSense D435 + Tunnel + Simple Navigation

This is my personal ROS practice example that put Turtlebot burger with Realsense D435 in a simple tunnel scene and applies a simple auto mode drive the turtlebot out of the tunnel itself.

I will describe how to import D435 into your own model/world because I found there are only few instruction about do so. For more models (e.g. D455), you can go to RealSense offical Github to find the urdf/xacro files and build the .so file yourself.

Turtlebot with D435


Althoug the configuation should not be the problem, still I put them down below for those who would like to know.

OS: Ubuntu 20.04

ROS: noetic

Gazebo: 11


  1. install ROS and packages

    sudo apt-get install ros-noetic-desktop-full

    replace the 'noetic' to other version to be competitble to your pc

  2. Download this repo

    # build your work space directories, e.g. `catkin_ws` in my example
    mkdir catkin_ws
    cd catkin_ws
    mkdir src
    cd src
    # clone the repo
    git clone 
  3. Build the project

    cd ..

    this will generate a file to simulate D435 in Gazebo



  • beginner_tutorials: basic ROS operations e.g. node, topics, services

  • realsense_gazebo_plugin: to generate RealSense sensor simulation plugin for Gazebo to use

  • realsense2_description: RealSense sensor models

  • robotcontrol: simple navigation codes. The original codes are from the first link in the reference.

  • turtlebot3: turtlebot3 models

  • turtlebot3_msgs: turtlebot3 messages

  • turtlebot3_simulations: turtlebot3 simulation files (e.g. world models, .world, .launch)


💡 I kind of messed up the original turtlebot3 repos by modifying it directly, but it is still worth to play around with it 😛

Initial Setup

Link/Source the bulit project, replace catkin_ws with your workspace name:

cd catkin_ws
echo "source ~/catkin_ws/devel/setup.bash" >> ~/.bashrc
source ~/.bash

Setup Turtlebot default model to burger:

 echo "export TURTLEBOT3_MODEL=burger" >> ~/.bashrc
 source ~/.bash

Launch the world

To launch the simulation that includes turtlebot3_burger + RealSense D435 + Tunnel

roslaunch turtlebot3_gazebo turtlebot3_tunnel.launch


First change the permission of the files

roscd robotcontrol/src
chmod +x *.py
  1. Move the robot straight
  2. Move the robot to drive out of the tunnel

    Currently this script cannot be terminated, you have to close the terminal. ToBeFixed!

  3. Reset the world

Import RealSense D435 into your model/wrold

  1. To generate file only, make sure realsense_gazebo_plugin repo is under /src and build it.
    cd ..   # to catkin_ws
    # or use catkin tool to specify which pkg to build
    catkin build realsense_gazebo_plugin
    Then you will find the file under /catkin_ws/devel/lib
  2. copy _d435.gazebo.xacro and _d435.urdf.xacro into /your_pkg/urdf where you want to simulate
  3. in the file _d435.urdf.xacro change the line 13 from
    <xacro:include filename="$(find packagename)/urdf/urdf _d435.gazebo.xacro">
    to your package_name
  4. In your model.urdf.xacro (turtlebot3_burgher.urdf.xacro in my example), put the following lines:
        <xacro:include filename="$(find packagename)/urdf/_d435.urdf.xacro" />
        <xacro:sensor_d435 name="camera" topics_ns="camera" parent="base_link" publish_pointcloud="true">
            <origin xyz="0 0 0" rpy="0 0 0" />
    and change your desired orginal pose related to base_link
  5. In the launch file, don't forget to publish the tf tree for rviz to visualize
        <node pkg="robot_state_publisher" type="robot_state_publisher"  name="robot_state_publisher">
            <param name="publish_frequency" type="double" value="30.0" />

    For more detailes, please check the files that related to burger model or the keyword tunnel under turtlebot3_simulations/turtlebot3_gazebo.


Check the READMEs in velodyne_plugin_tutorial and velodune_simulator for more details.



Contact Info

If you have any question please don't hesitate to contact me:

Wen-Yu Chien: [email protected]




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