- Author : Yves Lemiere & Maude Le Jeune
- email : lemiere-at-lpccaen.in2p3.fr / lejeune-at-apc.in2p3.fr
- date : Nov.2023
- Sensitivity curve
- VGB demo , all analytic
- add MBHB (Yves)
- add all GBs
- add EMRI, SOBH, stochastic bck
- Waterfall plot interface (Come)
- Precomputed data file management
- Script to (re)produce them
- Read from web interface
- Add analytical noise functions
- Use fastGB as waveform provider
- Check alternative solutions (Come)
- Instrumental FoM to play with armlength, acc and oms noise
- Think of a way to extract code / notebook for local/custom computations
- Can we have a search button ?
- streamlit
- matplotlib
- plotly
- fastgb
- lisaconstants
- lisaorbits
- streamlit run main.py