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Pedagogical Agent (a procedural character animation system)

A research project during my master's degree at Purdue University; It involves the implementation of character procedural animation used in virtual learning environment.
Full Demo

Table of Contents
  1. About The Project
  2. Getting Started
  3. Overview
  4. User Interface
  5. Debug GUI
  6. Character Setup
  7. Scene Structure
  8. File Structure
  9. Character Components
  10. Event System
  11. Plugin

About The Project

Project: Multimodal Affective Pedagogical Agents for Different Types of Learners

Faculty: Nicoletta Adamo, Purdue (PI), Richard E. Mayer, UCSB (co-PI), Bedrich Benes, Purdue (co-PI)

Sponsor: NSF - IIS - Cyberlearning, award # 1821894 (2018-2021), Purdue Instructional Innovation Grant (2018- 2020)

Getting Started

The source project is based on Unity 2018.3.6f1, the build is tested on Win10x64

Unity Components:

Download the release package which consists of both the final build and source code.

Emotion Recognition:

Emotion Recognition Overview | Emotion Recognition Documentation


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The animated agent is controlled by four high-level controller:


Master Controller

  • Body Gesture: Mecanim accesses the built-in state-machine in Unity. The procedurally generated body gesture is achieved by pose interpolation – the transitioning between any two predetermined poses sequentially.

    Body Offset generate randomness as well as emotion-based body variation such as leaning forward/backward, body contract/expand. It contains a IK-based shoulder and hand control, a FK-based spine offset and a COG hip control.

  • Facial Deformation: Facial Expression has access to predetermined emotion including happy, bored, angry and content. The component blends naturally between each blendshapes.

    Salsa Plugin enables facial automation including: eye-blink, gaze and lip-sync based on audio input. Other subcomponents include eyebrow raise during speech generated algorithmically by Beat Detection.

  • Hand and Foot: The agent's hand gesture is layered on top of body gesture when performing actions like pointing. It has pre-determined hand shapes like relax, holding fist, stretched palm.

    The foot position similar to hand shape can be locked to the ground, free (inherit motion from mocap data), and procedural auto-stepping (not-implemented).

XML Reader

This XML-based script works like a behavioral markup language that controls the agent during the speech. It specifies events to trigger on certain moments: such as emotional changes, or body and hand gesture transition. It also controls when to switch PowerPoint, and when to detect user's Emotion Input.

Beat Detection

This functionality analyzes the spectrum data of audio input and detects beat in real-time. The detection is based on an algorithm that calculates the average sound energy and triggers when a variance greater when certain threshold has occurred. When a beat is detected, a series of Beat Events are invoked. Idle Events are invoked after the Beat Events are completed. (More on Event System)

Emotion Input

This is the core mechanic used to communicate with the user. The XML Reader sends requests for emotional state updates. The Emotion Update components communicate with the Python emotion_recognition which constantly checks the emotion and stores it in a queue. When a request for an emotional state update is received, the most frequent emotion in that queue is returned. The Emotion Input triggers emotional based events based on the return results.

User Interface

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Menu Item Operation
Debug Open up the run-time GUI for debugging
Component Checkbox Toggle on/off controller components
Reload Restart the scene
Pause/Play Pause/Continue playing the scene
Slider Adjust camera distance from full-body to close-up
Arrow button Control slides
Character button Switch character and restart the scene

Debug GUI

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Menu Item Operation
Facial Expression Change facial expression
Foot lock Toggle foot position lock to ground or free moving
Hand pose Change hand pose left or right separately
Body parameter Modify animation speed, body rotation and blend time
Body pose Switch poses

Character Setup

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Character Requirement

  • Joint: ideally no more than 40 joints
  • Mesh: no sub-mesh
  • Size: 200mb and less

Character Clean-up

The clean-up process ensures that the .fbx is accepted in Unity, which is basically a transfer from animation rig to a game rig

  1. The output should be a character with a single mesh skinned to a single joint hierarchy [H-Anim Standard].
  2. Make sure that all end joints have zeroed-out rotation and unit scaling.
  3. Whenever the character has updated blendshapes, it needs to be re-imported

Character Template

The character template is used in MotionBuilder after identifying key joint components, this will smoothen the retargeting process.

Character Import

The character .fbx should be placed in the character folder, adjust Animation Type to Humanoid, make sure Avatar Definition is set to Create From this Model, then configure the joint as needed.

Existing character settings:

  • David Latest version: v2 scaling: 1.4
  • Luna Latest version: v3 scaling: 12

(Note: all scale settings need to be adjusted in scene view, not in character configuration)

Scene Structure

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Overview of Hierarchy

Hierarchy Description
Event System Scene related control (GUI, audio control, global logic)
Character Character related control components (animation behavior)
Environment 3D environment models
Lighting Lighting components
Canvas Predefined user interface
MainCam Master camera


Hierarchy Description
BaseMesh Skinned mesh (has skinned mesh renderer for blendshapes)
Skeleton Character joint hierarchy
Foot IKs Pre-defined IK handle for locking the foot

File Structure

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Overview of Folder

Hierarchy Description
Character Character mask, avatar definition and rig (.fbx)
Plugins All plugin used (Salsa, Mecanim and Final IK)
Resources Assets accessed during run-time
Scenes Game scene (one for each character)
Scripts All custom scripts
Texture Materials and textures

Resource Folder

Hierarchy Description
Audio In-game speech audio file
Controller Animator logic controller (mecanim state machine)
HandShape Predefined hand pose (.fbx)
MotionLibrary Predefined body pose (.fbx)
not-in-use PowerPoint slide not-in-use
Slide PowerPoint slide texture
XML character behavioral scripts

Character-based Assets

Character sub assets have individual folders, which can be modified (see Global.cs)

// character animation clips location
public static string lunaAnim = "MotionLibrary/Luna";
public static string davidAnim = "MotionLibrary/David";

// character controller location
public static string lunaController  = "Controller/Luna_controller";
public static string davidController = "Controller/David_controller";

// subsequence audio location
public static string lunaAudio = "Audio/Luna";
public static string davidAudio = "Audio/David";

Character Components

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Animator Component

Animator component is required for a state machine-based animation transition. Using MecanimControl.cs evokes different states in Animator for gesture transition.

  • Leave Controller blank for it will be assigned by MecanimControl.cs in run-time
  • Set the Avatar to the latest character definition
  • Uncheck Apply Root Motion

Salsa 3D Plugin

Queue Processor: Required component to use and monitor Salsa event queue.

Eyes: Salsa Eyes component is used to create random eye shifts, eye blinks

  • Properties control random eye-gaze shift, adjust physical range and frequency
  • Eyelid properties controls the random eye-blinks, adjust frequency
  • To use random eye and fix axis, unpack character prefab

Salsa: Salsa Lip-sync, used for creating automatic lip-sync based on audio input

  • Adjust blendshapes for visemes
  • Adjust visemes trigger threshold
  • Attach corresponding audio file

Final IK Plugin

Full body biped IK: This component is used to create full body IK setup; foot IK is used to lock feet in place; COG/Shoulder/Hand IK can be used to create body offset to alter the character’s gesture style

  • Assign corresponding bones
  • Parent foot effector under character hierarchy
  • Set parameters such as iterations (2 is fine)

Run-time Script

Mecanim Control: assigns the appropriate Controller to the Animator, creates two states, and assigns different clips to these two states during run-time, achieving any state to any state transition. (see MecanimControl.cs)

Expression Control: change character’s blendshape which in result, controls the facial expression (see ExpressionControl.cs)

Hand Control: switch a character's hand pose. The hand pose is controlled by a sub-layer (with a character mask) in the animator controller, it needs to be manually modified and connected.

Foot Control: used to lock or unlock the character’s foot in-place. It is done by accessing the FinalIK component.

Body Effector Setup: provided by the Final IK package, this component is required for the following body offset features (MainOffset and SpineOffset)

MainOffset: controls body parts such as Hand and Shoulder by adjusting its translation value to create body moving outward or inward. (see mainOffset.cs)

SpineOffset: controls body part mainly Spine by adjusting its rotation value to create body leaning forward or backward. (see spineOffset.cs)

Event System

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System Components

Event System, Standalone Input Module & Base Input (added at run-time): These components are required for GUI related controls.

Audio Source: This component is responsible for playing audio, it also serves as the source for Salsa Lip-sync, controlled by audioControl.cs.

  • AudioClip is assigned and adjusted at run-time
  • Output is affected by a certain Audio Mixer group, which needs to be manually assigned

Custom Scripts

Canvas Manager: responsible for creating the GUI and connecting its functionality.

Master Control: is the core and the wrapper of all controls, it initializes most of the run-time components. (see masterControl.cs)

XML Reader: takes an .xml file, the file specifies scripted behavior of the character, and the behavior will be layered on top.

Beat Detection (Disabled by default): takes the current playing audio from the AudioSource, detects its beat and triggers onBeat() event. The onIdle() event is triggered whenever the beat duration is reached.

Emotion Input: when a check signal is sent by XML Reader, the module requests an emotion state from the EmotionUpdate.cs and performs an according reaction.

Run-time Event

Slide Control: controls the change of PowerPoint slide displayed in the background.

Audio Control: switches the audio clip for AudioSource, the audio clips are switched based on the change of slide as of now.

Emotion Update: is added by EmotionInput.cs. It communicates with the emotion detection module, detects every 2 seconds for 10 seconds, it then returns the most frequent emotion detected back to Emotion Input components.


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Final IK

Salsa Suite

Mecanim Control