This is the code used to analyze the data presented in S. Kumar, A. K. Sharma, and A. M. Leifer, titled "An inhibitory acetylcholine receptor gates context dependent mechanosensory processing in C. elegans". Here is the link to the preprint:
This study uses a targeted optogenetic delivery system published previously. More details can be found at the following publications:
- Liu et al., PLoS Biology 2022 (
- Kumar et al., PLoS Biology 2023 (
- LabVIEW 2019 64-bit Windows
- LabVIEW package manager
- LabVIEW OpenG add-on
- HDF5 v1.8.18+ (latest v1.8 but not v1.10)
- h5labview
To run the real-time LabVIEW code, open the LabVIEW project at \LabviewVIs\ProjectAPI.lvproj
and then select the appropriate experimental protocol vi. For example, open loop stimulation is done using
, closed-loop stimulation on turns was done using
Computer-readable files showing processed tracked behavior and optogenetic stimulus events for all experiments are publicly available at