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MechReq Assists

To include this assists module in your module use the following line of code:

include WXf::WXfassists::General::MechReq

Default Options

RURL   (Remote URL)
PROXYA (Proxy Address)
PROXYP (Proxy Port)
THROTTLE (amount of requests before a pause of 3 seconds occurs)

As with all assists default options, these can be used in the exploit, auxiliary or payload module by calling them directly (lowercase). For instance,

res = mech_req({
  'method' => 'GET',
  'RURL'   => rurl

You will notice in the above example, we've passed RURL's value to the mech_req method by calling it directly (rurl). This is to make the process of setting options more efficient and cut down on duplicate efforts of module developers.


Currently, the only method exposed to developers thru the MechReq assists module is mech_req. mech_req is called by passing options in a hash pattern. It is important to note that for portability purposes send_request_cgi is the same as mech_req and the two methods are interchangeable. The following is an example of using mech_req:

'method' => 'GET',    
'RURL'   => rurl

The following is a list of options that can be passed to mech_req:

Name                     Description
----                     -----------
RURL                     REMOTE URL (TARGET)
DEBUG                    log/console, use log is using dradis logging. Use console to print debug output to the console. 
UA                       User-Agent                       
BASIC_AUTH_USER          Basic Authorization Username
BASIC_AUTH_PASS          Basic Authorization Password
method                   HTTP Methods, (GET, POST, PUT, HEAD, DELETE)
RFILE                    When using the PUT method, this will specify the name of the file to 'put'
RFILECONTENT             When using the PUT method, specifies the content within the RFILE to 'put'
CAFILE                   If a local, client certificate is required, this option can be passed
KEEP-ALIVE               When it becomes necessary to adjust the HTTP keep-alive timeout value, use this
RPARAMS                  RPARAMS can be used with the methods head, delete, get and post. This would represent, for   
                         example: foo1=bar1&foo2=bar2
HEADERS                  These are HTTP headers
REDIRECT                 When NOT specified, the mech_req will follow any 302 redirects. When set to FALSE, it won't.

It is important to note that mech_req returns a Mechanize.get, put, post, delete or head object. If a developer was writing a script that called mechanize it might look something like this

require 'mechanize'

agent =

and the mech_req or send_request_cgi method analogous to the agent.get object. Mechanize documentation will provide the list of methods available to the agent.get response object.

Examples of passing each of the options to mech_req:

RURL               => rurl,
DEBUG              => 'log',
UA                 => 'Mozilla',
BASIC_AUTH_USER    => 'guest',
BASIC_AUTH_PASS    => 'guest_password',
method             => 'GET',
RFILE              => 'exampleFile.txt',
RFILECONTENT       => 'Stuff you'd place in exampleFile.txt',
CAFILE             => '/home/me/ca_file',
KEEP-ALIVE         => 300,
RPARAMS            => {'foo1' => 'bar1','foo2' => 'bar2'},
HEADERS            => {'CustomHeader' => 'CustomHeaderValue'},
REDIRECT           => false,

Error Handling

Mechanize tends to do very well with 301, 302 and 200 status codes but all others cause a ResponseCodeError or rce (method accessible within modules).

If you'd like to retrieve the status code ONLY (ie - 404, 401) use rce_code.

An example would be

def run
  res = mech_req({
    'RURL' = rurl

  if (rce)
    puts "We've received the following error: #{rce_code}"

  if res.code == '200'
    puts "Yay, we've received a 200!"

Additionally, while res.code is a string value, rce_code is an integer. Example:

if rce_code == 401
  puts "401 received"

In contrast to res.code (String):

if res.code == "200"
  puts "200 received"

SavonReq Assists

To include this assists module in your module use the following line of code:

include WXf::WXfassists::General::SavonReq

Default Options

RURL   (Remote URL)
PROXYA (Proxy Address)
PROXYP (Proxy Port)


There are two methods exposed to developers thru the SavonReq assists module. The two modules are simple_savon_client and single_action_req


SavonReq is a modified version of the Savon gem written by rubiii (Daniel Harrington). simple_savon_client returns a Savon::Client object. This simply means that any further documentation on interacting with the Savon::Client can be found online OR you can use the documentation provided in the /lib/wAx/wAxHTTPLibs/savon folder. The client.rb file, located under lib/wAx/wAxHTTPLibs/savon/lib/savon/client.rb has a brief tutorial.

The important aspects of what a SOAP client should do such as retrieving a WSDL, identifying endpoints, identifying actions, etc. can all be accessed through the use of simple_savon_client. An example of using simple_savon_client can be found in the modules/auxiliary/enum/wsdl_action_enum.rb file.

The following is a list of options that can be passed to simple_savon_client:

Name                     Description
----                     -----------
RURL                     REMOTE URL (TARGET)

Example of passing the RURL option to simple_savon_client:

RURL => rurl,

In order to simplify the task of making a SOAP request, we've developed a function called single_action_req. The following is a list of options that can be passed to single_action_req:

Name                     Description
----                     -----------
RURL                     REMOTE URL (TARGET)
PROXYA                   PROXY ADDRESS
PROXYP                   PROXY PORT
RPARAMS                  This is a parameter and value pair, sent in the request. Example: id=1                     
BASIC_AUTH_USER          Basic Authorization Username
BASIC_AUTH_PASS          Basic Authorization Password
HEADERS                  These are HTTP headers

Examples of passing each of the options to single_action_req:

RURL               => rurl,
PROXYP             => proxyp,
PROXYA             => proxya,
BASIC_AUTH_USER    => 'guest',
BASIC_AUTH_PASS    => 'guest_password',
RPARAMS            => {datahash['FOO'] => datahash['BAR']},  (NOTE: Example of taking the param/value from user input)
HEADERS            => {'CustomHeader' => 'CustomHeaderValue'},

To find an example of using this method view the modules/auxiliary/enum/soap_request.rb file.

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