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Din99 DeltaE (#11)
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Implement DIN99 ColorSpace
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o1lo01ol1o authored Oct 4, 2022
1 parent d901f16 commit 60fe65f
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Showing 2 changed files with 180 additions and 1 deletion.
3 changes: 2 additions & 1 deletion Color/Color.cabal
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -44,6 +44,7 @@ library
, Graphics.Color.Space.CIE1976.LAB.LCH
, Graphics.Color.Space.CIE1976.LUV
, Graphics.Color.Space.CIE1976.LUV.LCH
, Graphics.Color.Space.DIN99
, Graphics.Color.Space.RGB
, Graphics.Color.Space.RGB.CIERGB
, Graphics.Color.Space.RGB.AdobeRGB
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -196,4 +197,4 @@ benchmark conversion
source-repository head
type: git
subdir: Color
subdir: Color
178 changes: 178 additions & 0 deletions Color/src/Graphics/Color/Space/DIN99.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,178 @@
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveTraversable #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PatternSynonyms #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PolyKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE Strict #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}

module Graphics.Color.Space.DIN99
( pattern DIN99,
pattern ColorDIN99,

import Foreign.Storable
import GHC.Generics (Generic)
import Graphics.Color.Illuminant.Wikipedia as W
import Graphics.Color.Model.Internal
import Graphics.Color.Space.Internal
import Graphics.Color.Space.CIE1976.LAB

data DIN99 (i :: k)

-- | Color in DIN99 color space
newtype instance Color (DIN99 i) e = DIN99 (V3 e)

pattern ColorDIN99 :: e -> e -> e -> Color (DIN99 i) e
pattern ColorDIN99 l' a' b' = DIN99 (V3 l' a' b')

{-# COMPLETE ColorDIN99 #-}

-- | `DIN99` color space
deriving instance Eq e => Eq (Color (DIN99 i) e)

-- | `DIN99` color space
deriving instance Ord e => Ord (Color (DIN99 i) e)

-- | `DIN99` color space
deriving instance Functor (Color (DIN99 i))

-- | `DIN99` color space
deriving instance Applicative (Color (DIN99 i))

-- | `DIN99` color space
deriving instance Foldable (Color (DIN99 i))

-- | `DIN99` color space
deriving instance Traversable (Color (DIN99 i))

-- | `DIN99` color space
deriving instance Storable e => Storable (Color (DIN99 i) e)

-- | `DIN99` color space
instance (Illuminant i, Elevator e) => Show (Color (DIN99 i) e) where
showsPrec _ = showsColorModel

instance (Illuminant i, Elevator e) => ColorModel (DIN99 i) e where
type Components (DIN99 i) e = (e, e, e)
toComponents (ColorDIN99 l' a' b') = (l', a', b')
{-# INLINE toComponents #-}
fromComponents (l', a', b') = ColorDIN99 l' a' b'
{-# INLINE fromComponents #-}

instance (Illuminant i, Elevator e, RealFloat e) => ColorSpace (DIN99 (i :: k)) i e where
type BaseModel (DIN99 i) = DIN99 i
type BaseSpace (DIN99 i) = DIN99 i
toBaseSpace = id
{-# INLINE toBaseSpace #-}
fromBaseSpace = id
{-# INLINE fromBaseSpace #-}
luminance = luminance . dinToLAB DIN99Method
{-# INLINE luminance #-}
toColorXYZ = toColorXYZ . dinToLAB DIN99Method
{-# INLINE toColorXYZ #-}
fromColorXYZ = labToDIN DIN99Method . fromColorXYZ
{-# INLINE fromColorXYZ #-}

kE :: RealFloat a => a
kE = 1

kCH :: RealFloat a => a
kCH = 1

data DINMethod
= ASTMD2244_07Method
| DIN99Method
| DIN99bMethod
| DIN99cMethod
| DIN99dMethod
deriving (Eq, Show, Read, Ord, Bounded, Enum, Generic)

fromDINMethod ::
( Fractional a,
Fractional b,
Fractional c,
Fractional d,
Fractional f,
Fractional g,
Fractional h,
Fractional e
) =>
DINMethod ->
(a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h)
fromDINMethod ASTMD2244_07Method =
(105.509, 0.0158, 16.0, 0.7, 1, 9 / 200, 0.0, 9 / 200)
fromDINMethod DIN99Method = (105.509, 0.0158, 16.0, 0.7, 1, 9 / 200, 0.0, 9 / 200)
fromDINMethod DIN99bMethod = (303.67, 0.0039, 26.0, 0.83, 23.0, 0.075, 26.0, 1)
fromDINMethod DIN99cMethod = (317.65, 0.0037, 0.0, 0.94, 23.0, 0.066, 0.0, 1)
fromDINMethod DIN99dMethod = (325.22, 0.0036, 50.0, 1.14, 22.5, 0.06, 50.0, 1)

radians :: Floating a => a -> a
radians x = pi / 180 * x

-- | deltaE distance in DIN99 is the perceptually-uniform distance between
-- two points in the space. Otherwise known as euclidean distance.
deltaE ::
(Floating e, Illuminant i, Elevator e) =>
Color (LAB i) e ->
Color (LAB i) e ->
deltaE a b = sqrt $ sum ((a - b) ** 2)

-- | Bidirectional @DIN99@ @DIN99@ conversion as implemented in
-- >>> labToDIN DIN99Method (ColorLAB 41.52787529 52.63858304 26.92317922 :: Color (LAB 'W.D65) Double)
-- <DIN99 Degree2 'D65:(53.2282198832885240,28.4163465573069870, 3.8983955176918417)>
-- >>> dinToLAB DIN99Method (ColorDIN99 53.22821988 28.41634656 3.89839552 :: Color (DIN99 'W.D65) Double)
-- <LAB Degree2 'D65:(41.5278752867329700,52.6385830477006900,26.9231792301717970)>
labToDIN ::
(RealFloat e) =>
DINMethod ->
Color (LAB i) e ->
Color (DIN99 i) e
labToDIN m (ColorLAB l a b) = ColorDIN99 l_99 a_99 b_99
cos_c = cos $ radians c_3
sin_c = sin $ radians c_3
e = cos_c * a + sin_c * b
f = c_4 * (- sin_c * a + cos_c * b)
g' = sqrt (e ** 2 + f ** 2)
h_ef = atan2 f e + radians c_7
c_99 = c_5 * log (1 + c_6 * g') / (c_8 * kCH * kE)
a_99 = c_99 * cos h_ef
b_99 = c_99 * sin h_ef
l_99 = c_1 * log (1 + c_2 * l) * kE
(c_1, c_2, c_3, c_4, c_5, c_6, c_7, c_8) = fromDINMethod m

dinToLAB ::
RealFloat e =>
DINMethod ->
Color (DIN99 i) e ->
Color (LAB i) e
dinToLAB m (ColorDIN99 l_99 a_99 b_99) = ColorLAB l a b
expm1 x = exp x - 1
cos' = cos (radians c_3)
sin' = sin (radians c_3)

h_99 = atan2 b_99 a_99 - radians c_7

c_99 = sqrt (a_99 ** 2 + b_99 ** 2)
g' = expm1 (c_8 / c_5 * c_99 * kCH * kE) / c_6

e = g' * cos h_99
f = g' * sin h_99

a = e * cos' - f / c_4 * sin'
b = e * sin' + f / c_4 * cos'
l = expm1 (l_99 * kE / c_1) / c_2
(c_1, c_2, c_3, c_4, c_5, c_6, c_7, c_8) = fromDINMethod m

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