from the blog 『How to Train an AI Chatbot With Custom Knowledge Base Using ChatGPT API(』 Tell you how to import your text data into gpt_index and predict by openAI API to create a LLM index that can be query
Personnel Change 1.use gpt-3.5-turbo. 2.Change from loading all text files in a folder to a single csv file. 3.Add wait one second when call openAI API for 60 times/min limit. 4.Don't always create an index
funtion to connect openAI chat API with message history.
Make the program perfect by adding the following functions 1.What to do if prompt is Chinese. 2.Translate to Chinese if the query result not Chinese. 3.Call gpt-index when determining the inclusion of the patent word; otherwise call chatGPT API 4.Add Message history
The demo patent data.