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more flexible solve_for and sovle_as_inv tactic
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lecopivo committed Aug 23, 2023
1 parent e92d251 commit b35b3c3
Showing 1 changed file with 92 additions and 27 deletions.
119 changes: 92 additions & 27 deletions SciLean/Util/SolveFun.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,30 +1,51 @@
import Lean
import Mathlib.Logic.Nonempty
import Mathlib.Algebra.Group.Defs
import Mathlib.Data.Int.Basic

import SciLean.Data.Curry
import SciLean.Lean.Meta.Basic
import SciLean.Lean.Array
import SciLean.Data.Curry
import SciLean.Tactic.LetEnter
import SciLean.Tactic.LetNormalize
import SciLean.Util.SorryProof

namespace SciLean

set_option linter.unusedVariables false

attribute [local instance] Classical.propDecidable

def HasUniqueSolution {F Xs} [UncurryAll F Xs Prop] (P : F) :=
(∃ xs, uncurryAll P xs)
∀ xs xs', uncurryAll P xs → uncurryAll P xs' → xs = xs'
structure HasSolution {F Xs} [UncurryAll F Xs Prop] (P : F) : Prop where
ex : ∃ xs, uncurryAll P xs

structure HasUniqueSolution {F Xs} [UncurryAll F Xs Prop] (P : F) extends HasSolution P : Prop where
uniq : ∀ xs xs', uncurryAll P xs → uncurryAll P xs' → xs = xs'

/-- Finds unique `(x₁, ..., xₙ)` such that `P x₁ ... xₙ` holds.
TODO: Can we return a solution if it exists and it not necessarily unique? I'm not sure if we would be able to prove `decomposeSolution` then.
def solveFun {F : Sort _} {Xs : outParam (Type _)} [UncurryAll F Xs Prop] [Nonempty Xs] (f : F) : Xs :=
if h : HasUniqueSolution f then
Classical.choose h.1
Classical.choose h.ex
Classical.arbitrary Xs

open Lean Parser Elab Term in
elab "solve" xs:funBinder* ", " b:term : term => do
/-- Expresses the unique solution of a system of equations if it exists
For example
solve x y, x + y = a ∧ x - y = b
returns a pair `(x,y)` that solve the above system
The returned value is not specified if the system does not have an unique solution.
elab (priority:=high) "solve" xs:funBinder* ", " b:term : term => do
let stx ← `(fun $xs* => $b)
let f ← elabTerm stx.raw none
Meta.mkAppM ``solveFun #[f]
Expand All @@ -49,11 +70,11 @@ theorem decompose_has_unique_solution {Xs Ys Zs : Type _} [Nonempty Xs] [Nonempt
: HasUniqueSolution P
HasUniqueSolution fun ys => Q₂ ys (solve zs, Q₁ ys zs)
:= by sorry
:= by sorry_proof

/-- This theorem allows us to decompose one problem into two succesives problems
/-- This theorem allows us to decompose one problem `P` into two succesives problems `Q₁` and `Q₂`.
theorem decomposeSolution {Xs Ys Zs : Type _} [Nonempty Xs] [Nonempty Ys] [Nonempty Zs]
(f : Ys → Zs → Xs) -- decomposition of unknowns
Expand All @@ -68,14 +89,16 @@ theorem decomposeSolution {Xs Ys Zs : Type _} [Nonempty Xs] [Nonempty Ys] [Nonem
let ys := solve ys, Q₂ ys (zs' ys)
let zs := zs' ys
f ys zs
:= by sorry
:= by sorry_proof

namespace SolveFun

open Lean Meta

/-- Take and expresion of the form `P₁ ∧ ... ∧ Pₙ` and return array `#[P₁, ..., Pₙ]` -/
/-- Take and expresion of the form `P₁ ∧ ... ∧ Pₙ` and return array `#[P₁, ..., Pₙ]`
It ignores bracketing, so both `(P₁ ∧ P₂) ∧ P₃` and `P₁ ∧ (P₂ ∧ P₃)` produce `#[P₁, P₂, P₃]`-/
def splitAnd? (e : Expr) : MetaM (Array Expr) := do
match e with
| .mdata _ e' => splitAnd? e'
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -122,16 +145,24 @@ will return
TODO: This should produce proof that those two terms are equal
def solveForFrom (e : Expr) (is js : Array Nat) : MetaM (Expr×Expr×MVarId) := do
IO.println s!"e:\n{← ppExpr e}\n"
if e.isAppOfArity ``solveFun 5 then
lambdaTelescope (e.getArg! 4) fun xs b => do
let is := is.sortAndDeduplicate
let js := js.sortAndDeduplicate
let Ps ← splitAnd? b

if ¬(is.all (·<xs.size) ∧ js.all (·<Ps.size)) then
throwError "Error in solveForFrom: invalid index when looking for variable {is} and equations {js} in\n{← ppExpr e}"
if let .some i := is.find? (· ≥ xs.size) then
throwError "cant' decompose `solve` with respect to the unknown `{i}` as there are only {xs.size} unknowns"

if let .some j := js.find? (· ≥ Ps.size) then
throwError "cant' decompose `solve` with respect to the equation `{j}` as there are only {Ps.size} equations"

if ¬(is.size < xs.size) then
throwError "can't decompose `solve` with respect to all unknowns"

if ¬(js.size < Ps.size) then
throwError "can't decompose `solve` with respect to all equations"

let (ys,zs,ids) := xs.splitIdx (fun i _ => ¬(is.contains i.1))
let (Qs₁,Qs₂,_) := Ps.splitIdx (fun j _ => js.contains j.1)

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -223,14 +254,18 @@ produces
Warring: this tactic currently uses `sorry`!-/
syntax (name:=solve_for) "solve_for " ident+ " from " num+ " := " term : conv
local syntax (name:=solve_for_core_tactic) "solve_for_core " ident+ " from " num+ " := " term : conv

@[inherit_doc solve_for_core_tactic]
macro (name:=solve_for_tacitc) "solve_for " xs:ident+ " from " js:num+ " := " uniq:term : conv =>
`(conv| ((conv => pattern (solveFun _); solve_for_core $xs* from $js* := $uniq); let_normalize))

open Lean Elab Tactic Conv
@[tactic solve_for] def solveForTactic : Tactic := fun stx =>
@[tactic solve_for_core_tactic] def solveForTactic : Tactic := fun stx =>
withMainContext do
match stx with
| `(conv| solve_for $xs* from $js* := $prf) => do
| `(conv| solve_for_core $xs* from $js* := $prf) => do
let names := (fun x => x.getId)
let js := (fun j => j.getNat)
let lhs ← getLhs
Expand All @@ -245,12 +280,42 @@ open Lean Elab Tactic Conv
| _ => throwUnsupportedSyntax

-- example : (0,0,0) = (solve (a b c : Nat), a+b+c=1 ∧ a-b+c=1 ∧ a-b-c=1) :=
-- by
-- conv =>
-- rhs
-- solve_for b from 2 := sorry
-- conv =>
-- enter_let ac
-- solve_for a from 0 := sorry
-- let_normalize

open Function in
Rewrite `solve` as `invFun`
TODO: There might be slight inconsistency as `invFun` always tries to give you some kind of answer even if it is not uniquely determined but `solve` gives up if the answer is not unique.
The issue is that I'm not sure if
`Classical.choose (∃ x, f x - g x = 0)` might not be the same as `Classical.choose (∃ x, f x = g x)` or is that
theorem solve_as_invFun {α β : Type _} [Nonempty α] (f g : α → β) [AddGroup β]
: (solve x, f x = g x)
invFun (fun x => f x - g x) 0
:= sorry_proof

macro "solve_as_inv" : conv => `(conv| (conv => pattern (solveFun _); rw[solve_as_invFun]))

example : (0,0,0) = (solve (a b c : Int), a+b+c=1 ∧ a-b+c=1 ∧ a-b-c=1) :=
conv =>
solve_for b from 2 := sorry
solve_for a from 0 := sorry

example : (0,0) = solve (a b : Nat), (∀ c, a + b + c = c) ∧ (∀ c, a + c = c) :=
conv =>
solve_for a from 1 := sorry

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