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clean up differentiable monads
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lecopivo committed Aug 22, 2024
1 parent 6c24c94 commit 8b798ce
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Showing 9 changed files with 947 additions and 1,058 deletions.
5 changes: 3 additions & 2 deletions SciLean.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -16,9 +16,10 @@ import SciLean.Analysis.Calculus.FwdFDeriv
-- import SciLean.Analysis.Calculus.HasParamDerivWithDisc.HasParamFwdFDerivWithDisc
-- import SciLean.Analysis.Calculus.HasParamDerivWithDisc.HasParamRevFDerivWithDisc
import SciLean.Analysis.Calculus.Jacobian
import SciLean.Analysis.Calculus.Monad.FwdCDerivMonad
import SciLean.Analysis.Calculus.Monad.DifferentiableMonad
import SciLean.Analysis.Calculus.Monad.FwdFDerivMonad
import SciLean.Analysis.Calculus.Monad.Id
import SciLean.Analysis.Calculus.Monad.RevCDerivMonad
import SciLean.Analysis.Calculus.Monad.RevFDerivMonad
import SciLean.Analysis.Calculus.Monad.StateT
import SciLean.Analysis.Calculus.Notation.Deriv
import SciLean.Analysis.Calculus.Notation.FwdDeriv
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12 changes: 12 additions & 0 deletions SciLean/Analysis/AdjointSpace/Basic.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -263,6 +263,18 @@ instance : AdjointSpace 𝕜 𝕜 where
add_left := by simp[add_mul]
smul_left := by simp[mul_assoc]

instance : Inner 𝕜 Unit where
inner _ _ := 0

instance : AdjointSpace 𝕜 Unit where
inner_top_equiv_norm := by
apply Exists.intro 1
apply Exists.intro 1
conj_symm := by simp[Inner.inner]
add_left := by simp[Inner.inner]
smul_left := by simp[Inner.inner]

instance : AdjointSpace 𝕜 (X×Y) where
inner := fun (x,y) (x',y') => ⟪x,x'⟫_𝕜 + ⟪y,y'⟫_𝕜
inner_top_equiv_norm := by
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208 changes: 208 additions & 0 deletions SciLean/Analysis/Calculus/Monad/DifferentiableMonad.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,208 @@
import SciLean.Analysis.Calculus.FwdFDeriv

namespace SciLean

/-- `DifferentiableMonad K m` states that the monad `m` has the notion of differentiability.
The rought idea is that if the monad `m` stores some state `S` then a function `(f : X → m Y)`
should be also differentiable w.r.t. to the state `S`.
This class provide proposition `DifferentiableM K f` which is monadic generalization of
For `StateM S` the `DifferentiableM` is:
DifferentiableM K f
Differentiable K (fun (x,s) => f x s)
class DifferentiableMonad (K : Type) [RCLike K] (m : TypeType) [Monad m] where
/-- Differentiability of monatic functions.
For state monad, `m = StateM S`, this predicate says that the function is also differentiable
w.r.t. to the state variable.
DifferentiableM K f
Differentiable K (fun (x,s) => f x s)
DifferentiableM {X Y : Type} [NormedAddCommGroup X] [NormedSpace K X] [NormedAddCommGroup Y] [NormedSpace K Y]
(f : X → m Y) : Prop

/-- Monadic differentiable pure function is differentiable. -/
DifferentiableM_pure {X Y : Type} [NormedAddCommGroup X] [NormedSpace K X] [NormedAddCommGroup Y] [NormedSpace K Y]
(f : X → Y) (hf : Differentiable K f) :
DifferentiableM (fun x : X => pure (f x))

/-- Composition of monadic differentiable functions is monadic differentiable. -/
DifferentiableM_bind {X Y Z : Type} [NormedAddCommGroup X] [NormedSpace K X] [NormedAddCommGroup Y] [NormedSpace K Y]
[NormedAddCommGroup Z] [NormedSpace K Z]
(f : Y → m Z) (g : X → m Y)
(hf : DifferentiableM f) (hg : DifferentiableM g) :
DifferentiableM (fun x => g x >>= f)

/-- Theorem allowing us to differentiate let bindings.
Note: The role of this is still not completely clear to us. Is this really independent of the
previous two requirements? -/
DifferentiableM_pair {X Y : Type} [NormedAddCommGroup X] [NormedSpace K X] [NormedAddCommGroup Y] [NormedSpace K Y]
(f : X → m Y) (hf : DifferentiableM f) :
DifferentiableM (fun x => do let y ← f x; pure (x,y))

export DifferentiableMonad (DifferentiableM)

attribute [fun_prop] DifferentiableM

set_option deprecated.oldSectionVars true

(K : Type) [RCLike K]
{m : TypeType} [Monad m] [DifferentiableMonad K m]
[LawfulMonad m]
{X : Type} [NormedAddCommGroup X] [NormedSpace K X]
{Y : Type} [NormedAddCommGroup Y] [NormedSpace K Y]
{Z : Type} [NormedAddCommGroup Z] [NormedSpace K Z]

open DifferentiableMonad

/-- Monadic differentiable value. For example, in case of state monad the value `x : StateM S X`
is a function in `S` and it makes sense to ask about differentiability. -/
def DifferentiableValM (x : m X) : Prop :=
DifferentiableM K (fun _ : Unit => x)

-- DifferentiableM -----------------------------------------------------------
namespace DifferentiableM

theorem pure_rule
: DifferentiableM (m:=m) K (fun x : X => pure x) :=
apply DifferentiableM_pure

theorem const_rule (y : m Y) (hy : DifferentiableValM K y)
: DifferentiableM K (fun _ : X => y) :=
have h : (fun _ : X => y)
fun _ : X => pure () >>= fun _ => y := by simp
apply DifferentiableM_bind
apply hy
apply DifferentiableM_pure

theorem comp_rule
(f : Y → m Z) (g : X → Y)
(hf : DifferentiableM K f) (hg : Differentiable K g)
: DifferentiableM K (fun x => f (g x)) :=
rw[show ((fun x => f (g x))
fun x => pure (g x) >>= f) by simp]
apply DifferentiableM_bind _ _ hf
apply DifferentiableM_pure g hg

end DifferentiableM

end SciLean


section CoreFunctionProperties

open SciLean

set_option deprecated.oldSectionVars true

(K : Type) [RCLike K]
{m } [Monad m] [DifferentiableMonad K m]
[LawfulMonad m]
{X : Type} [NormedAddCommGroup X] [NormedSpace K X]
{Y : Type} [NormedAddCommGroup Y] [NormedSpace K Y]
{Z : Type} [NormedAddCommGroup Z] [NormedSpace K Z]
{E : ι → Type} [∀ i, Vec K (E i)]

-- Pure.pure -------------------------------------------------------------------

theorem Pure.pure.arg_a0.DifferentiableM_rule
(a0 : X → Y)
(ha0 : Differentiable K a0)
: DifferentiableM K (fun x => Pure.pure (f:=m) (a0 x)) :=
apply DifferentiableMonad.DifferentiableM_pure a0 ha0

@[simp, simp_core]
theorem Pure.pure.arg.DifferentiableValM_rule (x : X)
: DifferentiableValM K (pure (f:=m) x) :=
unfold DifferentiableValM
apply DifferentiableMonad.DifferentiableM_pure

-- Bind.bind -------------------------------------------------------------------

theorem Bind.bind.arg_a0a1.DifferentiableM_rule
(a0 : X → m Y) (a1 : X → Y → m Z)
(ha0 : DifferentiableM K a0) (ha1 : DifferentiableM K (fun (xy : X×Y) => a1 xy.1 xy.2))
: DifferentiableM K (fun x => Bind.bind (a0 x) (a1 x)) :=
let g := fun x => do
let y ← a0 x
pure (x,y)
let f := fun xy : X×Y => a1 xy.1 xy.2

rw[show (fun x => Bind.bind (a0 x) (a1 x))
fun x => g x >>= f by simp[f,g]]

have hg : DifferentiableM K (fun x => do let y ← a0 x; pure (x,y)) :=
by apply DifferentiableMonad.DifferentiableM_pair a0 ha0
have hf : DifferentiableM K f := by simp[f]; fun_prop

apply DifferentiableMonad.DifferentiableM_bind _ _ hf hg

-- d/ite -----------------------------------------------------------------------

theorem ite.arg_te.DifferentiableM_rule
(c : Prop) [dec : Decidable c] (t e : X → m Y)
(ht : DifferentiableM K t) (he : DifferentiableM K e)
: DifferentiableM K (fun x => ite c (t x) (e x)) :=
induction dec
case isTrue h => simp[ht,h]
case isFalse h => simp[he,h]

theorem dite.arg_te.DifferentiableM_rule
(c : Prop) [dec : Decidable c]
(t : c → X → m Y) (e : ¬c → X → m Y)
(ht : ∀ h, DifferentiableM K (t h)) (he : ∀ h, DifferentiableM K (e h))
: DifferentiableM K (fun x => dite c (fun h => t h x) (fun h => e h x)) :=
induction dec
case isTrue h => simp[ht,h]
case isFalse h => simp[he,h]

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