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new tactic pull_mean
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lecopivo committed Jul 10, 2024
1 parent fd0c58a commit 62aadcf
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Showing 2 changed files with 177 additions and 0 deletions.
148 changes: 148 additions & 0 deletions SciLean/Core/Rand/PullMean.lean
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@@ -0,0 +1,148 @@
import Mathlib.Tactic.FunProp
import Mathlib

import SciLean.Core.Rand.Rand
import SciLean.Lean.Meta.Replace

open Lean Meta Qq Mathlib.Meta

namespace SciLean.Rand

variable {Z} [AddCommGroup Z] [Module ℝ Z] [MeasurableSpace Z] [TopologicalSpace Z]

-- I think this is Fubini theorem in disguise
private theorem mean_bind_mean_bind (x' : Rand X) (y' : Rand Y) (f : X → Y → Rand Z) :
(Rand.mean do let x ← x'; return (Rand.mean do let y ← y'; f x y))
(Rand.mean do
let x ← x'
let y ← y'
f x y) := sorry_proof

/-- Takes an expression of the form `f x₁.mean ... xₙ.mean` and converts it to
Rand.mean do
let x₁' ← x₁
let xₙ
return f x₁' ... xₙ'
and returns a proof that that these two expressions are equal.
For this to be true `f` has to be affine in every `xᵢ` and this function tries to prove that.
Warrning: Currently we do not emit a valid proof. This is because we can't even state that
`Rand.mean` is linear function because `Rand X` is not a vector space.
One way to deal with this is to uncurry `f` and then apply `mean_affine` only once.
This would require tranforming
(x₁.mean, ..., xₙ.mean)
Rand.mean <|
let x₁' ← x₁
let xₙ' ← xₙ
pure (x₁', ..., xₙ')
``` -/
def pullMeanCore (e : Expr) : MetaM (Expr×Expr) := do

replaceWithFVarsNoBVars e (fun e' => pure (e'.isAppOfArity ``Rand.mean 6))
fun fvars vals e => do
let mut e := e
let mut prf ← mkAppM ``Eq.refl #[e]

-- check that `e` is affine in every variable
-- todo: combine these proofs to emit valid final proof
let F ← mkLambdaFVars fvars e >>= mkUncurryFun fvars.size
let Hf ← mkAppM ``IsAffineMap #[q(ℝ), F]
let (.some _, _) ← FunProp.funProp Hf {} {}
| throwError "the function `{← ppExpr F}` has to be affine function"

for fvar in fvars, val in vals, i in [0:fvars.size] do

prf := prf.replaceFVar fvar val

let x := val.appArg!
let f ← mkLambdaFVars #[fvar] e
let Hf ← mkAppM ``IsAffineMap #[q(ℝ), f]
let hf := (Expr.const ``sorryProofAxiom []).app Hf

let prf' ← mkAppM ``Rand.mean_affine #[x, f, hf]
prf ← mkEqTrans prf prf'
e := (← inferType prf).appArg!

-- squash two successive `Rand.mean` based on `mean_bind_mean_bind`
if i > 0 then
let thmInfo ← getConstInfo ``mean_bind_mean_bind
let (xs,bis,b) ← forallMetaTelescope thmInfo.type
let .some (_,lhs,rhs) := b.eq? | throwError ""
unless (← isDefEq e lhs) do throwError "can't unify {← ppExpr e} with {← ppExpr lhs}"

-- filter only explicit arguments
let args := ( (.range xs.size)).filterMap
(fun (x,i) => if bis[i]! == .default then .some x else none)
prf ← mkEqTrans prf (← mkAppM ``mean_bind_mean_bind args)
e ← instantiateMVars rhs

-- unless ← isTypeCorrect prf do throwError "proof is not correct!"
-- unless (← isDefEq e (← inferType prf).appArg!) do throwError "proof rhs is not equal e"

return (e, prf)

/-- This tactic tries to pull `Rand.mean` from subexpressions and put it on top level of the
For example, running `pull_mean` on
let x := x'.mean
let y := y'.mean
x + y
will product
Rand.mean do
let x ← x'
let y ← y'
return x + y
In general, it will take an expression of the form `f x₁'.mean ... xₙ'.mean` and turns it into
Rand.mean do
let x₁ ← x₁'
let xₙ ← xₙ'
return f x₁ ... xₙ
this tactic succeeds only if `f` is affine function in all of its arguments!
syntax (name:=pullMeanStx) "pull_mean" : conv

open Elab.Tactic Conv
@[tactic pullMeanStx]
def pullMeanElab : Tactic := fun _ => withMainContext do

let e ← getLhs

let (e', prf) ← pullMeanCore e

-- clean up the result
let (e'', prf') ← elabConvRewrite e' #[] (← `(conv| lsimp (config := {singlePass:=true}) only))

updateLhs e'' (← mkEqTrans prf prf')

def foo : Rand ℝ := sorry

#check (let a := foo.mean
let b := (foo + (1:ℝ)).mean
let c := (foo + (2:ℝ)).mean
let d := (foo + (3:ℝ)).mean
a + b + c + d) rewrite_by pull_mean

#check Lean.indentExpr
29 changes: 29 additions & 0 deletions SciLean/Lean/Meta/Replace.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -134,6 +134,35 @@ def instantiate1AndPost (e : Expr) (val : Expr) (post : Expr → MetaM ReplacePo
: MetaM Expr := do pure (← instantiate1AndPostImpl e 0 val post).val

Replaces all subexpresions in `e` that satisfy `f` with a free variables.
This function replaces only subexpressions that have no bound variables. -/
def replaceWithFVarsNoBVars (e : Expr) (f : Expr → MetaM Bool)
(k : Array Expr → Array Expr → Expr → MetaM α) : MetaM α := do

let (e', vars) ← (m:=MetaM) (σ := Array (FVarId×Expr)) (s:=#[]) do
e.replaceM (fun e' => do
if e'.hasLooseBVars then return .noMatch
if ¬(← f e') then return .noMatch

let fvarId ← mkFreshFVarId
let fvar := Expr.fvar fvarId
modify (fun vars => vars.push (fvarId, e'))
return .yield fvar)

let mut lctx ← getLCtx
for (fvarId,val) in vars do
lctx := (lctx.mkLocalDecl fvarId `x (← inferType val))

withLCtx lctx (← getLocalInstances) do
let vars := (fun (fvarId, val) => (Expr.fvar fvarId, val))
let (fvars,vals) := vars.unzip
k fvars vals e'


open Qq
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