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some work on differentiating for loops
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lecopivo committed Nov 15, 2023
1 parent 3f1521f commit 4dfd822
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Showing 5 changed files with 294 additions and 75 deletions.
52 changes: 34 additions & 18 deletions SciLean/Core/Function.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -226,6 +226,34 @@ variable
{W : Type _} [SemiInnerProductSpace K W]

/-- Reverse pass of a for loop
See `Forin.arg_bf.revCDeriv_rule_dataArrayImpl` how it relates to reverse derivative of for loop.
-- WARNING: `dx'` and `dw` behave differently
- `df'` computes gradient in `dx'`
- `df'` computes update to gradient in `dw`
The value of `df'` should be:
df' = fun w i x dx' dw =>
((∇ (x':=x;dx'), f w i x'), (dw + ∇ (w':=w;dx'), f w' i x))
def ForIn.arg_bf.revPass_dataArrayImpl [Index ι] [PlainDataType X] [PlainDataType W] [Zero X] [Zero W]
(df' : W → ι → X → X → W → X×W) (w : W) (xs : DataArray X) (dx' : X) : X×W := do
let n := Index.size ι
let mut dx' := dx'
let mut dw : W := 0
for i in [0:n.toNat] do
let j' : Idx n := ⟨n-i.toUSize-1,sorry_proof⟩
let j : ι := fromIdx j'
let xj := xs.get ⟨j'.1, sorry_proof⟩
let dxw' := df' w j xj dx' dw
dx' := dxw'.1
dw := dxw'.2

-- WARNING: `dx'` and `dw` behave differently
- `df'` computes gradient in `dx'`
Expand All @@ -238,30 +266,16 @@ variable
def ForIn.arg_bf.revDeriv_dataArrayImpl [Index ι] [PlainDataType X] [PlainDataType W] [Zero X] [Zero W]
(init : X) (f : W → ι → X → X) (df' : W → ι → X → X → W → X×W) (w : W)
: X×(X→X×W) :=
let n := Index.size ι
if n = 0 then
(init, fun _ => 0)
else do do
let n := Index.size ι
-- forward pass
let mut xs : DataArray X := .mkEmpty n
let mut x := init
for i in fullRange ι do
xs := xs.push x
x := f w i x
(x, fun dx' => do
-- backward pass
-- TODO: implemente reverse ranges!
let mut dx' := dx'
let mut dw : W := 0
for i in [0:n.toNat] do
let j' : Idx n := ⟨n-i.toUSize-1,sorry_proof⟩
let j : ι := fromIdx j'
let xj := xs.get ⟨j'.1, sorry_proof⟩
let (dx'',dw') := df' w j xj dx' dw
dx' := dx''
dw := dw'

(x, fun dx' => ForIn.arg_bf.revPass_dataArrayImpl df' w xs dx')

theorem ForIn.forIn.arg_bf.revDerivM_rule' [Index ι] [PlainDataType X] [PlainDataType W]
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -480,3 +494,5 @@ theorem Function.reduceD.arg_fdefault.revCDeriv_rule

end OnSemiInnerProductSpace

194 changes: 143 additions & 51 deletions SciLean/Core/Monads/ForIn.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
import SciLean.Core.Monads.FwdDerivMonad
import SciLean.Core.Monads.Id
import SciLean.Data.DataArray

set_option linter.unusedVariables false

Expand All @@ -8,18 +9,16 @@ namespace SciLean
{K : Type _} [IsROrC K]

-- This is not true but lets assume it for now until I have
-- This is not true but lets assume it for now
instance [Vec K X] : Vec K (ForInStep X) := sorry

-- This is not true but lets assume it for now until I have
-- This is not true but lets assume it for now
instance [SemiInnerProductSpace K X] : SemiInnerProductSpace K (ForInStep X) := sorry

end SciLean
open SciLean

-- set_option linter.unusedVariables false

def ForInStep.val : ForInStep α → α
| .yield a => a
| .done a => a
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -60,6 +59,9 @@ variable
{Y : Type _} [Vec K Y]
{Z : Type _} [Vec K Z]

-- ForIn.forIn -----------------------------------------------------------------

-- we need some kind of lawful version of `ForIn` to be able to prove this
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -101,6 +103,9 @@ by
simp [forIn,Std.Range.forIn,Std.Range.forIn.loop,Std.Range.forIn.loop.match_1]

-- ForInStep.yield -------------------------------------------------------------

theorem ForInStep.yield.arg_a0.IsDifferentiable_rule
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -133,6 +138,11 @@ theorem ForInStep.done.arg_a0.IsDifferentiable_rule
(a0 : X → Y) (ha0 : IsDifferentiable K a0)
: IsDifferentiable K fun x => ForInStep.done (a0 x) := by sorry_proof

-- ForInStep.done -------------------------------------------------------------

-- this is a hack as with Id monad sometimes you do not need `pure` which trips `fprop` up
theorem ForInStep.done.arg_a0.IsDifferentiableM_rule
Expand All @@ -157,6 +167,8 @@ theorem ForInStep.done.arg_a0.fwdCDeriv_rule
end OnVec


section OnSemiInnerProductSpace

Expand All @@ -168,19 +180,32 @@ variable
{X : Type _} [SemiInnerProductSpace K X]
{Y : Type _} [SemiInnerProductSpace K Y]
{Z : Type _} [SemiInnerProductSpace K Z]
{W : Type _} [SemiInnerProductSpace K W]

-- ForIn.forIn -----------------------------------------------------------------

-- we need some kind of lawful version of `ForIn` to be able to prove this
theorem ForIn.forIn.arg_bf.HasAdjDiffM_rule
(range : ρ) (init : X → Y) (f : X → α → Y → m (ForInStep Y))
(hinit : HasAdjDiff K init) (hf : ∀ a, HasAdjDiffM K (fun (xy : X×Y) => f xy.1 a xy.2))
: HasAdjDiffM K (fun x => forIn range (init x) (f x)) := sorry_proof

theorem ForIn.forIn.arg_bf.HasAdjDiff_rule [ForIn Id ρ α]
(range : ρ) (init : X → Y) (f : X → α → Y → (ForInStep Y))
(hinit : HasAdjDiff K init) (hf : ∀ a, HasAdjDiff K (fun (xy : X×Y) => f xy.1 a xy.2))
: HasAdjDiff K (fun x => forIn (m:=Id) range (init x) (f x)) := sorry_proof

-- we need some kind of lawful version of `ForIn` to be able to prove this
theorem ForIn.forIn.arg_bf.revDerivM_rule
/-- This version of reverse derivative of a for loop builds a big lambda function
for the reverse pass during the forward pass. This is probably ok in for loops
where each iteration is very costly and there are not many iterations.
theorem ForIn.forIn.arg_bf.revDerivM_rule_lazy
(range : ρ) (init : X → Y) (f : X → α → Y → m (ForInStep Y))
(hinit : HasAdjDiff K init) (hf : ∀ a, HasAdjDiffM K (fun (xy : X×Y) => f xy.1 a xy.2))
: revDerivM K (fun x => forIn range (init x) (f x))
Expand All @@ -205,55 +230,117 @@ theorem ForIn.forIn.arg_bf.revDerivM_rule

theorem ForIn.forIn.arg_bf.revDerivM_rule_alternative [ForIn Id ρ α]
(init : X → Y) (f : X → Nat → Y → Y)
(hinit : HasAdjDiff K init) (hf : ∀ a, HasAdjDiff K (fun (xy : X×Y) => f xy.1 a xy.2))
: revDerivM K (fun x => forIn (m:=Id) ( start stop step) (init x) (fun i y => .yield (f x i y)))
(fun x => do
let (y₀,dinit') := revCDeriv K init x
let (y,ys) ← forIn ( start stop step) (y₀,#[]) (fun i (y,ys) =>
let y' := f x i y
.yield (y', ys.push y'))
pure (y,
fun dy => do
let (dx,dy) ← forIn ( start stop step) ((0:X),dy) (fun i (dx,dy) => do
let j := stop - ((i-start) + 1)
let yᵢ : Y := ys[j]!
let (dx',dy) := (revCDeriv K (fun (xy : X×Y) => f xy.1 i xy.2) (x,yᵢ)).2 dy
.yield (dx + dx', dy))
pure (dx + dinit' dy))) :=

/-- Reverse pass of a for loop implemented using `DataArray`
See `Forin.arg_bf.revCDeriv_rule_dataArrayImpl` how it relates to reverse derivative of for loop.
TODO: Index shoud support iterating in reverse order
WARNING: `dx'` and `dw` behave differently
- `df'` computes gradient in `dx'`
- `df'` computes update to gradient in `dw`
The value of `df'` should be:
df' = fun w i x dx' dw =>
((∇ (x':=x;dx'), f w i x'), (dw + ∇ (w':=w;dx'), f w' i x))
def ForIn.arg_bf.revPass_dataArrayImpl [Index ι] [PlainDataType X] [PlainDataType W] [Zero X] [Zero W]
(df' : W → ι → X → X → W → X×W) (w : W) (xs : DataArrayN X ι) (dx' : X) : X×W := do
let n := Index.size ι
let mut dx' := dx'
let mut dw : W := 0
for i in [0:n.toNat] do
let j : ι := fromIdx ⟨n-i.toUSize-1,sorry_proof⟩
let xj := xs[j]
let dxw' := df' w j xj dx' dw
dx' := dxw'.1
dw := dxw'.2

/-- Reverse derivative of a for loop
WARNING: `dx'` and `dw` behave differently
- `df'` computes gradient in `dx'`
- `df'` computes update to gradient in `dw`
The value of `df'` should be:
df' = fun w i x dx' dw =>
((∇ (x':=x;dx'), f w i x'), (dw + ∇ (w':=w;dx'), f w' i x))
def ForIn.arg_bf.revDeriv_dataArrayImpl [Index ι] [PlainDataType X] [PlainDataType W] [Zero X] [Zero W]
(init : X) (f : W → ι → X → X) (df' : W → ι → X → X → W → X×W) (w : W)
: X×(X→X×W) := do
let n := Index.size ι
-- forward pass
let mut xs : DataArray X := .mkEmpty n
let mut x := init
for i in fullRange ι do
xs := xs.push x
x := f w i x
let xs' : DataArrayN X ι := ⟨xs, sorry_proof⟩
(x, fun dx' => ForIn.arg_bf.revPass_dataArrayImpl df' w xs' dx')

/-- The do notation leaves the for loop body in a strange form `do pure PUnit.unit; pure <| ForInStep.yield (f w i y))`
Marking this theorem with `ftrans` is a bit of a hack. It normalizes the body to `ForInStep.yield (f w i y)`.
theorem ForIn.forIn.arg_bf.revDerivM_rule_normalization [Index ι]
(init : W → X) (f : W → ι → X → X)
: revDerivM K (fun w => forIn (m:=Id) (fullRange ι) (init w) (fun i y => do pure PUnit.unit; pure <| ForInStep.yield (f w i y)))
revCDeriv K (fun w => forIn (m:=Id) (fullRange ι) (init w) (fun i y => ForInStep.yield (f w i y))) := by rfl

-- Proof that the above theorem is true for the range [0:3] and function that does not break the for loop
(init : X → Y) (f : X → Nat → Y → m Y)
(hinit : HasAdjDiff K init) (hf : ∀ a, HasAdjDiffM K (fun (xy : X×Y) => f xy.1 a xy.2))
: revDerivM K (fun x => forIn [0:3] (init x) (fun i y => do pure (ForInStep.yield (← f x i y))))
(fun x => do
let ydinit := revCDeriv K init x
let ydf ← forIn [0:3] (ydinit.1, fun (dy:Y) => pure (f:=m') ((0:X),dy))
(fun a ydf => do
let ydf' ← revDerivM K (fun (xy : X×Y) => f xy.1 a xy.2) (x,ydf.1)
let df : Y → m' (X×Y) :=
fun dy : Y => do
let dxy ← ydf'.2 dy
let dxy' ← ydf.2 dxy.2
pure (dxy.1 + dxy'.1, dxy'.2)
pure (ForInStep.yield (ydf'.1, df)))
pure (ydf.1,
fun dy => do
let dxy ← ydf.2 dy
pure (dxy.1 + ydinit.2 dxy.2))) :=

/-- The do notation leaves the for loop body in a strange form `do pure PUnit.unit; pure <| ForInStep.yield (f w i y))`
Marking this theorem with `ftrans` is a bit of a hack. It normalizes the body to `ForInStep.yield (f w i y)`.
theorem ForIn.forIn.arg_bf.revCDeriv_rule_normalization [Index ι]
(init : W → X) (f : W → ι → X → X)
: revCDeriv K (fun w => forIn (m:=Id) (fullRange ι) (init w) (fun i y => do pure PUnit.unit; pure <| ForInStep.yield (f w i y)))
revCDeriv K (fun w => forIn (m:=Id) (fullRange ι) (init w) (fun i y => ForInStep.yield (f w i y))) := by rfl

theorem ForIn.forIn.arg_bf.revCDeriv_rule_def [Index ι] [PlainDataType X] [PlainDataType W]
(init : W → X) (f : W → ι → X → X)
(hinit : HasAdjDiff K init) (hf : ∀ i, HasAdjDiff K (fun (w,x) => f w i x))
: revCDeriv K (fun w => forIn (m:=Id) (fullRange ι) (init w) (fun i y => ForInStep.yield (f w i y)))
fun w => ( do
let n := Index.size ι
let initdinit := revCDeriv K init w

-- forward pass
let mut xs : DataArray X := .mkEmpty n
let mut x := initdinit.1
for i in fullRange ι do
xs := xs.push x
x := f w i x
let xs' : DataArrayN X ι := ⟨xs, sorry_proof⟩

let revPassBody := hold fun w i x dx' dw =>
let dwx' := gradient K (fun (w',x') => f w' i x') (w,x) dx'
(dwx'.2, dw + dwx'.1)

fun dx' =>
-- reverse pass
let dxw' := ForIn.arg_bf.revPass_dataArrayImpl revPassBody w xs' dx'
initdinit.2 dxw'.1 + dxw'.2)) :=
simp [revCDeriv,forIn,Std.Range.forIn,Std.Range.forIn.loop,Std.Range.forIn.loop.match_1, revCDeriv]
simp[add_assoc, revCDeriv]

-- ForInStep.yield -------------------------------------------------------------

theorem ForInStep.yield.arg_a0.HasAdjDiff_rule
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -315,4 +402,9 @@ theorem ForInStep.done.arg_a0.revDerivM_rule
(.done ydf.1, fun y => ydf.2 y.val)
:= by sorry_proof

end OnSemiInnerProductSpace


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