AMA → Ask Me Anything
- Sindre Sorhus - Aspiring rebel. Creator of Pageres, Chalk, TodoMVC, Yeoman.
- Pascal Hartig - Polyglot. Engineer at Twitter. Contributor to Yeoman, TodoMVC, WSK.
- Stephen Sawchuk - Just having fun. Creator of wiredep, youmeyou. Helper of ^.
- Arthur Verschaeve - Open source fanboy at H5BP, Yeoman, jQuery and TodoMVC.
- Mark Otto - Designer at GitHub. Creator of Bootstrap.
- Zach Holman - Developer and speaker. Previously worked at GitHub.
- Kent C. Dodds - JavaScript dev, open source contributor, community builder, and speaker.
- Hugh Kennedy - Web/graphics programmer, a maintainer of glslify, and far too many npm modules.
- Simon Boudrias - Yeoman, Inquirer.js and a bunch of other node modules. Software engineer at Yelp.
- Reza Akhavan - Engineer at Mozilla. Co-organizer at NodeSchoolSF. Creator of Drywall, Frame, Aqua.
- Wes Bos - Full stack developer, independent author, speaker, teacher and JavaScripter.
- Anselm Hannemann - Freelance front-end developer, author of WDRL, co-organizer of
- Blain Smith - Partner/Engineer at MadGlory and Odd Networks. Rebel Geek.
- Paul Miller - Creator of, Chaplin, es6-shim and many npm modules. Entrepreneur & frequent traveler.
- Lewis Cowper - Former forklift driver. Now web developer.
- Blake Winton - UX Engineer for Mozilla Firefox, and the author of Whimsy.
- Darrin Henein - Design Lead for Firefox Mobile at Mozilla, creator of Lastronaut.
- Cassie McDaniel - Design Director for Mozilla Foundation, cofounder of Women&&Tech, speaker and writer.
- Wenjie Fan - Front-end Engineer for Linux Deepin, blogger of
- Maxime Euzière - Front-end hacker and JS code-golfer.
- Robert Haritonov - Front-end Team Lead, SourceJS maintainer and Living Style Guide evangelist.
- Lim Chee Aun - Product engineer. GitHub stargazer. Anime lover.
- Darcy Clarke - Developer, Designer, Founder, Mentor & Speaker.
- Vishnu Ks - Student at IIIT Allahabad. Experimentalist.
- Nick Desaulniers - Open Source Zealot at Mozilla.
- Henry Snopek - Front-End Developer, University Student.
- Jesse cogollo - Student at EAFIT. JavaScript Developer at Talos Digital and Co-organizer at MongoDB-Medellin.
- Mikola Lysenko - Geometry vagrant.
- Drew Minns - Designer/Developer and Educator. Lead Developer and Instructor with HackerYou.
- Heather Payne - CEO of HackerYou, founder of Ladies Learning Code.
- Ryan Christiani - Lead Instructor and Developer at HackerYou in Toronto.
- Ahmad Nassri - Head of Engineering at Mashape. Technology Entrepreneur & Dog Lover. Toronto ✈ San Francisco.
- Patty Delgado - Engineering lead at Refinery29. Avid mentor and developer evangelist, especially for women and minorities.
- Nicholas C. Zakas - Architect at Box, author, creator of ESLint.
- Lance He - Full stack developer and speaker.
- Derick Bailey - Developer and entrepreneur, author and screencaster.
- Andy Jiang - Customer Acquisition and Evangelist at Segment, maker of things.
- Benny Thomas - Full stack developer caring about children reading.
- Hemanth.HM - A computer polyglot CLI, web and unix philosophy ❤️'r.
- Sebastian McKenzie - Creator of Babel.
- Rishabh Pugalia - Full stack engineer, creator of CSSDeck.
- Bassam Ismail - Front-end Architect at Axelerant. Polyglot. Unix & Tooling fanboi.
- Matthew Mueller - Creator of Cheerio, Duo, and a few other node modules.
- DeokHong Kim - Front-end Engineer at NAVER, founder of hackrslab.
- Hugo Giraudel - CSS goblin, Sass hacker, margin psycho.
- Will Binns-Smith - JavaScript at Bitbucket. Makes internet things.
- Lauri Tervonen - CS & SE university student in Finland.
- Matija Marohnić - From modding Warcraft to frontend design/development and nerdiness for Node.js build tools.
- Kyle Robinson Young - Makes stuff and likes bears.
- Trent Oswald - Maker of web things @Mashape and nodejs/website.
- Una Kravets - Front-End Developer, Sass things, Dev communities & Open Source Design.
- Chris Missal - Maker of Internet things in Austin, TX. A goofball, nerd, and OSS lover ❤️.
- Acho Arnold - Full Stack Web Developer with great passion in Social Psychology.
- Rob Furlong - Maker of cool things with the web, freelancer.
- Honza Bittner - High school student, web developer, Sass and Polymer ❤️'r.
- Jan Sanchez - Front-End Developer. Creator of Css-url-versioner, Open source contributor.
- Adrián Arroyo Calle - Currently a student in Spain doing any kind of development which uses C++, Rust, JavaScript and TypeScript.
- Richard Littauer - Full stack developer, linguist, and sometime digital nomad. Creating with the MIT Media Lab, wrote the Na'vi Dictionary, NodeSchool organizer, The User Is Drunk.
- Nick Johnstone - Web developer from New Zealand, currently working as a Rails developer full-time. As a side project, I'm making a tool for developing games with no coding required.
- JD Ballard - Idaho native, Chalk collaborator, sunshine burns us. Likes hypotheticals, dislikes bees.
- Charlike Mike Reagent - Passionate full stack developer, hacking on ArchLinux. Perfectionist. Revolutionist. Founder of @RegexHQ, core member at @JSTransformers and part of @dwylhq.
- Mohamad Jahani - Software developer from Iran, mostly working on web backends, *nix servers, electronic devices and most cool stuff you can imagine! A knowledge addict, who's reading and working 24/7 😀😏.
- Justin Miller - Mobile lead at Mapbox, formerly Code Sorcery Workshop (Pukka/Meerkat), photographer, traveler.
- Yitzchok Willroth - Coder & Rabbi (though seldom at the same time!); Engineering Practice Manager, Grovo; Organizer, ShorePHP & NYPHP; Conference Speaker; Mentor.
- Kayla Daniels - Sr Software Engineer at Refinery29, US Lead for PHPWomen, Host of #NoCapes, Single mom. Brooklyn, NY.
- Jeff Carouth - Lead Platform Engineer at Liftopia, Co-host of the Loosely Coupled Podcast, mentor, and conference speaker.
- Matthew Turland - Full Stack Engineer at When I Work, author, mentor, and conference speaker.
- Christopher Pitt - Writer and coder, working at SilverStripe.
- Joe Ferguson - PHP Dev, Sys Admin, Community Builder, Conf Organizer & Speaker, Maker, Hacker, Tinkerer, Space Geek, Husband. Enjoys craft beers and whiskey. Owned by cats.
- Hamish Friedlander - Developer, CTO at SilverStripe, human (presumed).
- Chris Tankersley - PHP developer, system admin, speaker, teacher, sometimes writer, and I play video games on YouTube.
- Deepak Verma - Full Stack developer at Hometrack Australia, AWS Solution Architect, and passionate about photography.
- Dan Abramov - JavaScript and React hobbyist, creator of React Hot Loader and Redux.
- Daichi Furiya - Software Developer in Japan. I love Android, JavaScript and iOS.
- Maxime Thirouin - Freelance front-end/UI/UX developer. Open Source addict & compulsive coder.
- Chris Biscardi - UI lead at Docker. JavaScript. Haskell. Builder of products and tooling.
- Vladimir Agafonkin - Engineer at Mapbox, creator of Leaflet and a bunch of other open source libraries. Building the future of interactive maps.
- Claudio Procida - Full stack web developer, mentor, evangelist and speaker. Passionate about painting and photography.
- Jordan Scales - Engineer at Khan Academy, creator of the tota11y accessibility toolkit and isomer.
- Zeno Rocha - Developer Advocate at Liferay.
- Kahlil Lechelt - JavaScript developer, organizes KarlsruheJS, co-host of the Descriptive Podcast and the Reactive Podcast, vocalist.
- Vadim Demedes - Node.js addict.
Edenspiekermann - Design agency based in Berlin and around the world.
Code Monkey Health - Helping developers and others with tips, tricks, recipes and programs focused on Lifestyle, Exercise, Attitude and Food LEAF.
Ruby Taiwan - Helping developers in Taiwan with any questions. Can ask in English or Chinese.
DevOps Taiwan - Helping DevOps engineers with any questions.
Fun: AMAs is a recursive acronym.
To the extent possible under law, Sindre Sorhus has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to this work.