A question component that allows the learner to position a slider on scale
This component can be installed using the by running the following command:
adapt install adapt-my-plugin
Alternatively add the component to the adapt.json file:
"adapt-contrib-slider": "*"
This component can be used as part of an assessment.
##Settings overview
An complete example of this components settings can be found in the example.json file. A description of the core settings can be found at: Core model attributes
Further slider settings are shown below:
"_attempts": 2,
"_showNumber": true,
"_showScaleIndicator": true,
"labelStart": "incomplete",
"labelEnd": "complete",
"_scaleStart": 1,
"_scaleEnd": 10,
"_correctAnswer": "",
"_correctRange": {
"_bottom": 4,
"_top": 9
This value must be: slider
You can use this setting to add custom classes to your template and LESS file.
This defines the position of the component in the block. Values can be full
, left
or right
Default: 1
Specifies the number of attempts for this question
Default: true
When set to true a numeric value appears above the scale when the slider is moved. The value indicates the sliders position on the scale.
Default: true
When set to true
a marker for the position of the slider along the scale is shown. If _showNumber is true
this marker will contain a numeric value. If _showNumber is false
a blank marker is shown.
The value of this setting appears at the start of the slider scale.
The value of this setting appears at the end of the slider scale.
This must be a numeric value for the start of the scale. This value is used to calculate the sliders position on the scale.
This must be a numeric value for the end of the scale.
To set a single value on the slider scale as correct enter it's value in this setting.
To set a value range as the correct answer the settings for _bottom and _top should be given a numeric value.
This setting is the start value for the correct range. It's value must be numeric.
This setting is the end value for the correct range. It's value must be numeric.
##Browser spec
This component has been tested to the standard Adapt browser specification.