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Add custom tags in the head of your Gatsby page with ease


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This GatsbyJS plugin allows to define tags that should be inserted in the head or body of a page. Using gatsby-plugin-tagmanager you can add any thrird party tool with ease to your site and do not need to edit the default-html.js directly or create plugins just to add your tools.

By following a few simple rules gatsby-plugin-tagmanager is a powerful helper to speed up your develoment process.

How to install

Install the plugin through npm

The installation of gatsby-plugin-tagmanager is done the same way as you would install other plugins. Refer to Using a plugin in your site for a detailed guide. Note that you need npm to use this plugin. You might also use another prefered package manager that you currently use.

Run the following commandto install gatsby-plugin-tagmanager:

npm install gatsby-plugin-tagmanager

Load the plugin

Put the plugin into your gatsby-config.js. The order of the plugins in your gatsby-config.js specifies their load order. If you want your tags to be at the top of all other plugins that insert tags, put gatsby-plugin-tagmanager at the top of your plugin list and vice versa.

module.exports = {
    plugins: [
            options: {

Available options

head (optional, no default value)

Can be used to add tags to the head of the generated pages. The value is an array that contains JSONs in the format specified under Tag configuration which is a sub heading of Available options.

Example value: [{...tag in the defined format}, {...tag in the defined format},]

preBody (optional, no default value)

Can be used to add tags to the start of the body of the generated pages. The value is an array that contains JSONs in the format specified under Tag configuration which is a sub heading of Available options.

Example value: [{...tag in the defined format}, {...tag in the defined format},]

postBody (optional, no default value)

Can be used to add tags to the end of the body of the generated pages. The value is an array that contains JSONs in the format specified under Tag configuration which is a sub heading of Available options.

Example value: [{...tag in the defined format}, {...tag in the defined format},]

Tag configuration

type (required)

The type of the tag. This can be something like link or script for example.

Example value: "link"

name (optional)

A internal name that can be set. Has to be unique and can collide with other values on the page if a wrong value is set. This value is used as the key of the React component.

Example value: "my-script"

attributes (optional)

The attributes that should be set on the tag. Has to be in JSON format. Can be used for things like defining the type of a script and other common HTML attributes.

Example value:

    type: "text/css",
    rel: "stylesheet"

content (optional, cannot be used together with dangerousContent)

The content to put into the tag. Note that this content is being escaped properly and is safe to use. Note: Cannot be used to insert JavaScript into an script tag. You should use dangerousContent for that.

Example value: "Hello World!"

dangerousContent (optional, cannot be used together with content)

Allows to insert some custom HTML as content for an tag. Can be used for example to include some external JavaScript snippet. Note that if dangerousContent and content is set, content is the property that will be used and overwrite this property.

Example value: "console.log('Hello World!');"

Examples of usage

Usage without content

    resolve: "gatsby-plugin-tagmanager",
    options: {
        head: [
                type: "link",
                name: "some-css",
                attributes: {
                    type: "text/javascript",
                    "data-somedata": "MyData",
                    href: "/my.css"

Usage with content

    resolve: "gatsby-plugin-tagmanager",
    options: {
        preBody: [
                type: "h1",
                name: "some-h1",
                content: "This is my website!"

Usage with dangerousContent

    resolve: "../gatsby-plugin-tagmanager",
    options: {
        preBody: [
                type: "script",
                name: "custom-script",
                attributes: {
                    type: "text/javascript"
                dangerousContent: "console.log('Hello World');"

How to develop locally


To develop locally you need the following tools:

  • NodeJS (recommended version: 14.15.4)
  • NPM


To set the project up, simply let npm install your dependencies as always:

npm install

Building the project

To build the project use the build script provided by npm:

npm run build

Note that building will also run eslint and jest tests.

If you want to collect coverage while building, use the following script instead:

npm run buildCoverage

Compiling the project

To compile the project run the following npm script:

npm run compile

Clean compile output

To clean the compiled output (which lays in the root directory), run:

npm run clean

How to run tests

The project uses eslint as linter and jest as the testing framework. You can run the tools using npm.

Run linting and testing suites

Use the following npm command to run eslint and jest:

npm run test

Run only eslint

Use the following npm command to run eslint:

npm run lint

Run only jest

Use the following npm command to run jest:

npm run test

How to contribute

You are welcome to contribute to gatsby-plugin-tagmanager! Refer to Contributing for information about issues and code contributions.